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Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Seattle Police Dept. tells Small Businesses 'You're on your Own'

The Seattle Police Department began informing small business owners in the city on Friday that the force will have little to no means to prevent crimes from vandals and rioters targeting their businesses, after the Seattle City Council passed an ordinance preventing the city police from using even less-lethal crowd control measures such as pepper spray to deter violent crowds.

Ordinance 119805 prevents the Seattle police from using common law enforcement tools such as pepper spray and tear gas.

The stark admission was made in a letter addressed to Seattle small businesses.



  1. Heck, it's always been like that. You should never rely on the police. We all know that when seconds count the police are minutes away.

    I carry a gun at all times because a policeman is too heavy. All the police will do is show up after the fact, take a picture of your body, and write a report.

    When I need help I never call the police. I let Mr. Smith and Mr. Wesson handle it.

  2. And they wonder why gun sales are up.


  4. No no no.....social workers are on their way!!!!

  5. What are they paying taxes for?????

  6. First; I agree with other posters here about arming yourself.
    Papa Johns will deliver a pizza faster than a cop gets to your house when you need them.
    In the hearings today, one Democrat called the riots "aggressive protesting", therefore should not be handled with any type of force.
    OK.... Let's expand on that:
    Rape is now "aggressive dating".
    Armed robbery is just "aggressive shopping".
    Carjacking is just "aggressive borrowing".
    Home invasion is nothing but "aggressive visiting".
    This is one crazy world right now....

  7. It's only right that police should not go into a angry crowd without the necessary gear to protect themselves and others. Let the police stand down and see what happens next with these thugs that are creating a war against America. I'd like to see the military come in and kick ass.

  8. I Like it! That means if I am a small business owner in Seattle, WA this only leaves me with one recourse, SHOOT FIRST AND ASK QUESTIONS LATER! Real simple for me! Bullets and buckshot is the only medicine that will cure this riot Pandemic!!

  9. No one needs police....that’s why we have 2nd amendment!!!!!

  10. It's not the fault of the police force. It is the fault of the extreme left wing mayor.

  11. Joe Biden carries a shotgun for just those instances. Sleep well.

    1. He like’s to fire a couple rounds off the balcony to give them warning. That dope doesn’t have any uninvited guess in his gated community, with real men and women protecting him. I don’t understand why our employees have protection and we are not permitted to defend ourselves and family. That little fat Nadler was on TV when stating antifa was a myth. He had a driver opening the car door. WTH are we doing supporting this type of trash. They have good salary, benefits, pay no SS and steal all they want, while we try to make ends meet. Explain this to my dumb humble self.

  12. Don't even by this crap, this is BS... They can cut their budget and not lose officers, but they won't, they are going to cut officers so you slaves will feel the pinch!!!! Show you whos boss!!!

  13. If the electric would be cut off by the power co to this area they would leave quickly. No a c. No running water. No bathroom . No street lights. Cut the electric and keep it off ... period. The city pays the Bill's for street lights etc. They would not be using my electric or any other services like trash pickup. Who is cleaning up this crap?

  14. If you defund and never support the police this is your only answer call a social worker, or a guidance counselor when someone puts a gun to your head, but don't forget to pray first.


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