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Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Hertz has to sell 182,000 cars by 2021

Two months after filing for bankruptcy protection, Hertz finally has a plan in place to attempt to stay afloat until 2021. To appease lenders and maintain future business, it will unload nearly 200,000 of the manufacturer's total leased vehicles, numbering under 500,000.

The long-awaited bulk sale of 182,521 cars will take place over the course of the rest of the year, with a deadline set for December 31st, in order to fund an agreed $650 million in other lease-related debts. The number is a step up from the 144,000-car shedding Hertz had proposed last month, but leaves the company with a large enough fleet to maintain a viable business when it emerges from bankruptcy into a world that will, hopefully, involve enough routine travel for rental cars to be a viable business enterprise.

The deal is a direct result of a more positive used car market than the one Hertz had previously faced when it announced its filing in May. The market will allow the rental giant to recoup more of its losses than it had previously expected, which seems to have been the sticking point for lenders approving the deal. That same market, however, could look very different by the end of the sale period, thanks in no small part to the potential market flooding of 182,000 former rental cars hitting the market with a requirement to be sold in a specific time period.



  1. I am glad to not be in the used car business right now.
    How will they compete with this fire sale and survive?


  2. Would you buy a used car from a bankrupt company?


  3. Actually, this will drive prices to the bottom at Pohanka dealerships in Salisbury.

  4. 3600 per state within 5 months. There will be some deals.

    1. Yeah go right ahead and buy some jelopi that every dope with a credit card dogged out of 2 years

  5. Enterprise will be next.

  6. Should be deals. Question is will they. Still so many not working....and those that need a car won't be able to get one via a dealership.

  7. I went to the website. The nearest dealership is in Belair MD. Really great bargains on all the cars and suv's. I'm tempted, but beware, rental cars don't always get the best treatment. I bought a 99 Chevy Trailblazer that was a former rental. It was only a few years old when I bought it, and it was always in the shop for one thing or another and it always leaked oil. That low price wasn't worth the repair costs to keep it on the road.
    Of course, it was a Chevy!

  8. GREAT deals in this 'fire sale' for sure...

  9. Most of the newer used cars at dealerships come from rental car places anyways,


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