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Monday, July 27, 2020

The REAL Issues Behind Mask Wearing and Government Mandates


  1. Don't even need to watch. If you refuse to take a minor measure to reduce the amount of germs you can spread during a pandemic you are unpatriotic and an a$$Hole.

    1. 842
      If you do not watch but choose to make comments assuming that you know what she is going to say by the title, you are part of the problem and not the solution.
      Nowhere in her message was there ANYTHING accusing people about being unpatriotic or an AH.
      Stop making ignorant assumptions.

  2. She is a nurse, but don't believe her, you didn't hear it in the media from a liar, but you people are to stupid so you will not listen!!! I have never see such good slaves in my life

  3. Have watched some of her videos before. She's a nut.

  4. I agree with her.

  5. 8:42
    If I knew who you are, I would come breathe on you. You are a sheep.


    1. 1014
      You are another part of the problem and not the solution.
      I would periodically see people who would wear masks before all this started. A former coworker wore one to work everyday when she was going through treatments for breast cancer because her immune system was weak but she still had to work. Would you have called her a sheep and breathed on her?
      People need to stop being such AHs about this. If you wear it your a sheep...don't wear and your unpatriotic...damned if you do, damned if you don't!
      The point is it should be up to individual choice to wear or not. Both sides need to STFU with the name calling!

  6. 9:00 if you'd like to travel to some of these COVID + units let me know, you can go in there without any PPE and prove to us all it's a myth ;)

  7. 8:42. It’s not a minor measure. Also, masks do not work.

  8. I need some scientific information. Just exactly what micron / mesh of material is needed to prevent the penetration of the virus? How many layers of this material are needed to trap and contain the virus? What is the scientifically best way to test a mask to make sure a seal to your face to prevent the virus from bypassing the mask? What is the scientifically best way to remove a contaminated mask without contaminating your hands and surfaces? Lastly, someone tell me the best scientific method of disposing a contaminated mask? Please reference your sources. Seems like the government officials have not issued this very useful information.
    C Blizzard
    Machipongo, Virginia

    1. 11:02 All great questions with no answers, thank you for enlightening the week minded on here

    2. Can I add to the list of questions? Does the mask material hold the virus on the outside of it, so when one touches it to adjust it 100 times in 5 mins, does the virus then get on our hands? Should we wash our hands each time we touch the mask? Do we do something with the mask after we bring it home and take it off? How long does the virus stay alive on the mask?

  9. Why is the US one of the only developed countries with cases surging? Because of idiots like anti-maskers.

  10. 10:54 it is a minor measure. You're all just being Karens and turning it into a huge deal. Do you protest seat belts too because they restrict your movements? Maybe you protest washing your hands because can't no govt tell you what to do!?

    1. Does anyone else get creeped out by people who leave the bathroom at a buffet restaurant without washing their hands? Yuck!

  11. I would rather be one of the flock that listens to scientists and experts than a backwoods idiot who thinks they're smarter than epidemiologists.

  12. If a kid can run around all night on halloween with a mask on you can put one on for 10 minutes in a Walmart. Quit being such babies about it. Perhaps if you or your family members were getting the virus you'd change your tune. You're no better than the anti-vaxxers. I'm glad you're not the majority because we would still have things like small pox and polio.

  13. Only UGLY people like wearing masks.

    I look too good to wear one,

    1. If you are joking then Ha Ha. If you are serious...sorry but you have your head so far stuck up your ass no one can tell the difference.

  14. People want to compare seat belts to wearing a mask. There were standards that was tested and developed over the years that made the auto makers install seat belts that would keep you in the seat in the event of an accident. The strap, buckle, and fasteners had to hold a person in the seat. The insurance companies lobbied the law makers to make it mandatory to wear one while in a vehicle. It was made as a law. As I requested in my previous comment, where is the scientific specifications of these mask we are mandated to wear? I get fit tested annually for my half face and full face respirator. The test consist of a Qualitative test using Isoamyl Acetate. I also have to have a physical to make sure I am physically able to withstand a respirator. I am not a scientist. I am a person that rely on facts. So what are the specifications on these mask that the government is mandating that we wear? This virus along with other virus can not be stopped with these so called mask I see people wearing. If you can smell solvents such as gasoline, or the aroma of a fryer, you can easily inhale and exhale virus particles.
    C. Blizzard
    Machipongo, Virginia

  15. 10:54 it’s not a minor measure. Wake up and stop listening to the MSM, CDC, Washington Post and Fauci....all liars.

  16. 10:14 I wouldn't suggest you try that. Everyone won't just video you and put in on social media. There are some people that might put you in hospital or worse. COVID is nothing to play around with.

  17. Hey 8:42AM: Try reading the SIDE OF THE BOX on surgical masks, and mask in general!!!! Then come back to me and say that to my face!!!! You are the unicorn of special kind of stupid aren't you? Oh hey guess what, your safety and security and health, is your own problem not ours!!! it is your own responsibility, not ours!!! If you are a scare pussy as I see you are based on your comment, then stay home snow flake!!!

  18. 11:02 It takes a mask with 0.04 microns or smaller to stop the influenza virus, and covid is an influenza virus, this virus is even smaller than the Ebola virus... The only masks or filters that stop this, is those P100 masks or filters...

  19. 216
    Oh please.
    Prove it is real.

    Get a clue:
    Virus is MICROSCOPIC.

    And that my friends is the end of the story.
    Virus passes right through a non-medical mask.

    Joke is on YOU!


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