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Monday, July 27, 2020

Candace Owens dismantles George Floyd black martyr narrative: 'Racially motivated police brutality is a myth'

'I do not support George Floyd ... as a martyr for black America'

Conservative commentator Candace Owens published a livestream video on Wednesday, decrying the movement for trying to turn George Floyd into a martyr for black America.

The death of Floyd, a victim in a Minneapolis, Minnesota, police killing, spurred on nationwide protests following his May death.
What are the details?

Owens in a Facebook Live video said that she refused to buy into the idea that Floyd should be the impetus for a race relations overhaul in the United States.

"I do not support George Floyd and the media depiction of him as a martyr for black America," she insisted.

Pointing out Floyd's troubled legal history — including a time when he reportedly threatened a pregnant woman with a gun during a violent robbery — Owens explained that she's not defending the officer accused of killing Floyd, but simply refuses to accept the martyr narrative.

"You would be hard-pressed to find, you know, a Jewish person that's had five stints in prison that commits a crime and dies while committing a crime and that the Jewish people champion and demand justice for," she said.



  1. Some of those who work forces, are the same that burn crosses.

    1. Is that Rage Against Your Moms Hot Pockets?

  2. "Racially motivated police brutality is a myth" is absolutely the truth but it's unfortunate so many blacks have major issues being honest and moral people so won't admit this. What is NOT a myth is all the black children being gunned down and killed and most blacks are accepting of this. Even local ones have no problem displaying blm support on their social media but ignore the children being gunned down by other blacks. That the most innocent among them mean nothing to them is very telling to how uncivilized some are. I know it is very very uncomfortable for them to admit they have become such immoral people who could care less about protecting the innocent. This is what the result is of teaching their youth that all lives don't matter. Only those who are killed by police or a white matter. It is grotesque and if they had morals they would be ashamed. The problem is almost all vote democrat and this means they have not ever had a moral honest person in their lives.

  3. The story that Floyd was getting his life together was a complete lie: he was pulled over by the police for passing a counterfeit bill.

  4. Floyd was both more than a run of the mill thug with a long history of serious felonies, multiple stints in prison and to lazy to work a a job. He couldn’t financially support his multiple kids by multiple women. He was just a typical bum and lifelong loser.

  5. The fact that they want to be known as "African" Americans says all we need to know about them Being an African is NOTHING to be proud of ever if you are even the slightest decent human being. There isn't a African county that is lawful, self sufficient and civilized. The reason blacks aren't the bit angry, upset, 'offended' by innocent children getting murdered everyday in this country by other blacks is because they don't care about children. It is part of their "African" heritage. They don't love children. Children are nothing but more entitlements to them and they best not deny this because their own actions prove they don't care about children In Africa it's acceptable for grown men to rape infants including anally and including until the child dies from internal injuries because of the accepted raped. When a white goes in and shoots up a white school and kills white children whites go ballistic and demand change and get it. Not blacks when a black baby is gunned down they think it's an okay everyday thing. This is what horrid examples of human beings they are.

  6. He died of a heart attack due to drug use


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