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Saturday, July 25, 2020

Task Force Discusses Vehicle Impounds, Enhanced Penalties, Sacrifices For Upcoming Pop-Up Rally

OCEAN CITY — More tough talk and the unveiling of some new tools in the enforcement tool box were the focus of the town’s latest motorized special event task force meeting on Thursday.

The motorized special event task force reconvened after a months-long layoff to begin planning for a series of sanctioned and unsanctioned special events this fall. After several troublesome motorized special events a few years back, Ocean City formed the task force – comprised of elected officials, business owners and law enforcement representatives — to begin exploring strategies to address some of the lawlessness and abject bad behavior associated with some of the participants.

Out of those early sessions came the first iteration of legislation that allowed for the creation of a special event zone with increased penalties and other fines. Those early sessions also led to an increased police presence in town during certain special events in partnership with allied law enforcement agencies along with a stronger partnership between the town and its residents and business owners.

Still, those early measures, which did achieve some successes, were not enough as the lawlessness and reckless behavior continued and even worsened in some cases, particularly with the unsanctioned pop-up social media-driven event formally known as H2O International (H2Oi). Most of the agendas and other literature disbursed by the town and the task force still refers to the event as H2Oi. Indeed, the social media pages dedicated to the event refer to it in the same way.



  1. The mayor should ask for help at the Federal Level. Unmarked vans, no badges, Portland-style law and freaking order. Teach those little snowflakes a lesson they won’t forget.

  2. Thank goodness the h20i event was canceled this year. It really made for a nice safe environment in OC. You know the "Family Friendly Resort."

  3. Taking their little toy cars is what will end this lawlessness

  4. H20i must be very proud

  5. Let's get this straight right away:
    There is no H20i.
    It's just a bunch of people with the same type of cars looking to have some fun. Social media driven, is all.
    That said, for the ones that take 'having some fun' a little too far and breaking some serious laws/rules, impounding the cars will work.
    I predict it'll work like magic once word gets around.
    Last summer, for eighty bucks, you can do a donut in the middle of Coastal and impress the crowds. You can 'be somebody' for just $80.00.
    This summer. do a donut and you and the crowd will watch your car being towed away, and it'll make you look like a loser as you walk back to the hotel. I really don't think the girls will be too impressed seeing that.
    Impounding is the only way to go to control these people.
    Congratulations to OC for seeing that.

  6. If you want a lot of dead and casualties, put liberal Buzzoro in charge. Him and Dim (Gin )Ricky have got it figured out!

  7. Hahaha. WOW. How INEPT can this town be?? How about doing your job?? That will go a long way in ALL issues with OCEAN CITY. How pathetic.


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