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Saturday, July 25, 2020

One-third of COVID-19 patients who aren't hospitalized suffer long-term illness, CDC acknowledges

One patient whose symptoms have lingered for months called the report "monumental."

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention acknowledged Friday that a significant number of COVID-19 patients do not recover quickly, and instead experience ongoing symptoms, such as fatigue and cough.

As many as a third of patients who were never sick enough to be hospitalized are not back to their usual health up to three weeks after their diagnosis, the report found.

"COVID-19 can result in prolonged illness even among persons with milder outpatient illness, including young adults," the report's authors wrote.

The acknowledgement is welcome news to patients who call themselves "long-haulers" — suffering from debilitating symptoms weeks and even months after their initial infection.

"This report is monumental for all of us who have been struggling with fear of the unknown, lack of recognition and many times, a lack of belief and proper care from medical professionals during our prolonged recovery from COVID-19," Kate Porter, who is on day 129 of her recovery, wrote in an email to NBC News.


  1. That's nice. I just don't know who to believe anymore. The health department posted on FB about COVID in the county but I'm hearing about all the false positives. So much politicizing. So many lies. I wish the health department and health care workers would give us the truth.

  2. How would they know? It hasn’t been around long enough.

  3. So it is a bio-weapon then

  4. BS, they keep making up more shit because most people see thru the lies and are no longer afraid of "IT".

  5. So it is a bioweapon that keeps on giving.

  6. Just think of all the disability claims this will cause.

    "I'm only twenty-two, but I can't work because I'm too weak from having COVID 2 years ago."

    Keep cheering.

  7. Remember a year ago when a mysterious disease was paralyzing children?
    Did we lock down the country for that?

  8. Yeah, you all keep making fun of people who have had COVID and have lingering effects because you don't believe in it. You should hope you don't get it and have no energy to take care yourself or your children. Or you can't mow your own lawn. Or maybe some of the other breathing issues or blood clotting problems people are having. Karma sucks.

  9. Well 4:51, it appears that you still have the energy to bull shit us.

  10. I quit believing anything from them. Has anyone tried to find a simple stat on number of overall deaths from all causes in the first 6 months of 2020?

    I have. It's not retrievable in any way. The had it for 2017 - 2019 just2 months ago, but even that's way too hard to find now.

    I wonder why it's so hard to find such simple stats?

    Makes one wonder what's really going on.

  11. No one is saying, 4:51, that there isn't a virus out there. We're tired of the grossly inflated numbers. And if we can't believe the tests, how can we believe the "information?" That's all. I wish the health officer would give a press conference or something. Then again . . .

  12. Bottom line for the overwhelming majority of those who get this they will be fine. They will show symptoms very much like the regular flu and will have no problems. It is the fat people who suffer the most another reason to lose that extra weigh.

  13. The people who are taking weeks to get back to normal are not healthy people to begin with. They are overweight. If you are a healthy active person and not carrying around extra weight you will bounce back quickly. So if you haven't that means you need to stop eating junk and being lazy and start eating healthy and getting active.


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