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Saturday, July 25, 2020

Stimulus Update: $600 A Week Unemployment Benefits End Today

Unless Congress acts now, the $600 a week unemployment benefitswill end today.

Here’s what you need to know.
Stimulus update: Unemployment benefits expire tomorrow

The $600 a week unemployment benefits are scheduled to end tomorrow. The Cares Act — the $2.2 trillion stimulus package — authorized $600 a week of enhanced unemployment benefits. The Cares Act references July 31, 2020 as the official expiration date of these unemployment benefits, which are also known as Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation. However, the U.S. Labor Department says that states can pay unemployment benefits no later than the week ending one week before July 31, 2020. Since July 31 is not a Saturday or Sunday, this means the week prior becomes the end date of these supplemental benefits, which are paid weekly or bi-weekly ending on a Saturday or Sunday. This means that for all states, except New York, the end date would be today, July 25. New York’s end date would be Sunday, July 26.
Will Congress extend these unemployment benefits?

Congress has several options to address the $600 a week unemployment benefits. Here are 3 potential options:
Option 1: Don’t extend unemployment benefits
Most Popular In: Personal Finance

Update: Next Stimulus Package To Be Released Next Week

Confirmed: Second Stimulus Check Proposal Of $1,200 Per American Earning Up To $75,000

Second Stimulus Check Confirmed In GOP Proposal, But Not $1,200 Amount Or $75,000 Income Cap

Congress could allow the $600 a week unemployment benefits to expire. These enhanced benefits are slated to expire tomorrow, and Congress doesn’t have to extend these supplemental benefits. That said, there is a low likelihood that Congress will completely stop these enhanced employment benefits. Why? More than 40 million Americans have filed for unemployment benefits, and Congress doesn’t want to cut off Americans who need financial support most. It’s also an election year, and member of Congress have to answer their constituents, at least some of whom are uemployed.



  1. Congress has bigger things to deL with. Their summer break is coming right around the corner. Where to travel, what to wear? Important things like that.

  2. Congress is tired - they didn't work in March, April, May and June and now August. They stayed home.

    Democrats don't want to pass another stimulus bill until they get their wish list. They want all student loans paid. The want to end travel as we see it down to horse a buggy. They don't give a too about middle class workers out 9f work. Democrats don't care if you get unemployment. Please remember that in November. Vote Trump who cares ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฒ

    1. People are still getting unemployment checks... just not a federal bonus. How it should be. Where I live, every person who WANTS to work has gainful employment.

  3. I know someone who is getting $750+ a week for not working. She never even grossed over $500 a week in her life. WTF???

    1. bet she is black too

      they know how to work the system

    2. You typed "they". That's funny

  4. If they were going to give out extra over the amount of unemployment, why didn't they just make it so they received the amount of their regular paycheck and no more? They are not working. They don't deserve more. The people who are working in healthcare and grocery stores and delivery people who had to work should get a little extra for hazard pay since they were unwillingly put in harm's way.

  5. To 2:51 PM:

    That's me! Hey...I'm not ashamed. I'm not really proud of it, but being a close-to-minimum-wage worker, I'm taking it!
    If someone is standing on the street handing out money to anyone that walks by, what are you going to do? Say "no thanks"?
    Add to that the fact I'm at the beach working (not working, actually) this summer, and this money is like a dream come true.
    I'm a young Republican, but I just may vote for the money!

  6. What about the Senior Citizen on SSI? We are not getting nothing and we worked for it. Then these lazy bums don't want to work 2 and 3 jobs like I had to and demand $600 a week, $31000 minimum a year for being lazy while I get less than $20000 a year

    SCREW THEM they don't deserve nothing more than regular unemployment.

  7. Sooner this $600 ends the better.
    It's a bunch of crap. Essential workers getting $11.12 an hour, risking their lives and there neighbor getting $975 a week to sit home and do nothing.
    Help wanted signs are all over Salisbury.

  8. Only in America. We pay people not to work and then shop in people like J1 students to do the job. There are so many jobs available right now. No one should be getting paid to sit home.

  9. To the guy who said "What about the Senior Citizen on SSI? We are not getting nothing and we worked for it."
    You ain't gonna like this...
    I'm also on SSI. I've been on it for 8 years.
    I made a little money each year working during the summer, and I mean little! I needed to file each year of course, which I did.
    Here's what you are not going to like:
    If you filed in 2018 then you would receive - or would've received - an absolute minimum of $776.00 per week, starting around March 25th.
    It's called "PUA". ($176 minimum unemployment; plus the $600 = $776)
    I guess you missed it....

  10. Democrats-we will pay you more than people who work! Just remember that when elections come up.

  11. Well if they are getting $600 a week plus their unemployment then they actually worked. Now that is $2400.00 per month + what their actual unemployment was. Now a family of 4 stimulus received was $3400.00. So that is 4 months unemployment NOT EARNED $9600.00 + $3400.00 Stimulus = $3200.00 per month average over the last 4 months and then add in their actual earned unemployment. Now they stopped landlords from evicting these people and a lot of these people did not pay their rents. I am to assume that they will owe this after this is over with. Now my question is if you received that much money per month WHY WAS YOUR RENT NOT PAID??????? What did you waste your money on. I guess they will want that paid now too, right??? When I see people out on shopping sprees with their carts filled with junk something just is not adding up.


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