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Tuesday, July 28, 2020

US Mint asks for help w Coin Shortage

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Mint is asking Americans to please use more change.

Businesses nationwide have posted signs asking for exact change because of a coin shortage caused by the pandemic.

The Mint says it’s working to replenish the nation’s coin supply, but needs the public’s help, as well.

It asks customers to pay for things with exact change and depositing coins at banks.



  1. You coin rollers out there should take heed.The next time you go shopping take the rolls instead of paper money.

    1. 3:40

      Because the Federal Reserve Bank asked us to?

      Wake up.
      Coins (metal) has value.
      Paper / Digital does not have value.

  2. I have a slush account at a bank just to use the free change counting machine. Every few months I take small bucket in. It adds up then I transfer it to Etrade and buy shares in a Gold fund. You just have to be careful. I often have screws and washers in my pockets and it seizes up the counter. It's amazing a year of coinage can be 1200 dollars or more.

  3. It's the Government's own fault. Common Core didn't teach kids how to count money and, as a result, it all gets dumped in a big jar.

  4. How the hell can this be an issue?? Most use online banking or credit card.

  5. Yeah so they can destroy it and make us use more ATM cards so they can track us better

  6. i cant quite figure this one out yet, but im sure theres something more to this. there is no way all the coins in circulation suddenly disappeared, so i know it must be something more devious thats about to come down the line.

  7. Yes, please turn in all your change so when we go to the fedcoin, it will remove any extra from the system.

  8. I call BS

    The Federal Reserve is trying to convince Americans to give up the only remaining US Dollars that have an intrinsic value: Coins

    Don't do it.

    They are very valuable.

  9. So a couple of years ago some turd lawyer named Stephen DeNittis filed a class action lawsuit claiming that coin counting machines were short changing customers.

    The P.O.S. lawyers won a huge fee payment and the result is that most banks removed their coin counting machines.

    Just another reason why lawyers are the scum of the earth, just above journalists.

  10. Right 4:44! where did the coins go???? this is BS

  11. For those who can not find ammunition, coins are being melted to make bullets??

  12. Not factual hype.

  13. Directed from Langley lol

  14. There is no coin shortage. Just more BS to get you use to a cashless society. Socialism coming to our country sooner than you think.

  15. 3:32 You are not far off, and it is also becasue more people are broke and are saving every penny they can, literally!!! Also this is horse shit, becasue robot machine stamp coins and why can't they stamp coins? Why are they not stamping coins, did covid get robot machines sick to? This is all a shame to get you on the digital currency so you can become a slave 100% and be tracked 100% of the rest of your life... So they can do things like china, with social scores and crap... where your card won't work or let you in a building if you did something they didn't like... IE the mark of the beast!!! Technology!!! While you all think it might be convenient, let me ask you, how convenient is it when you already have to swipe your card 2, 3 or 4 times to get it to work? Or when you have to stick the card in for the chip 2 or 3 times??? What happens when your card wears out, or breaks or gets lost or stolen? you wouldn't be able to do anything literally until you got a new one if you can... How convenient is it, when you get hacked, or some bank worker or govt worker gets mad or has a bad day and messes with people? How convenient is it if the power goes out, or the card machine is broken? What about when they kiosk you order at or broken??? When all of your money is done digital or by robots, who are you going to talk to when something goes bad at a teller-less bank? You people don't get it, you all are yelling to be slaves for the rest of humanity!!!!


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