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Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Rabbi Calls for Baseball Boycott Until MLB Disengages from Hate-Filled Politics of BLM

For most of my life, I have agreed with Roger Hornsby, who said that when there is no baseball, he “stares out the window and waits for spring.” That has now changed, and MLB will no longer be watched or supported in my home, and I encourage every person of reason to boycott baseball until it steps away from the hate of Black Lives Matter and returns to being America’s national pastime.

There are no questions about the general hate and specific anti-Semitism, anti-nuclear family rhetoric, and anti-American values of BLM, which are elucidated in BLM’s own manifesto. To quote Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser, president of The American Islamic Forum for Democracy, BLM “is avowedly neo-Marxist, anti-capitalist, anti-individualist, anti-democratic and anti-American. It wishes to erase and rewrite America’s history, destroy and rebuild her institutions, and overthrow her political system. In short, it seeks to remake the entire country in its own image.” It is devoted to anti-Semitism, and its very charter calls for the destruction of Israel, calling it an “apartheid nation…committing genocide.”

And yet, Major League Baseball placed the BLM logo on the pitchers’ mounds on Opening Day.

Instead of MLB bringing people together through honest sports competition, baseball has now become like the 1936 Olympics in Berlin: an opportunity for the politics of hate to become more important than the athletic competition. Dr. King taught that we should all judge people “not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character,” and Jackie Robinson said, “I’m not concerned with you liking or disliking me…all I ask is that you respect me as a human being.” BLM as an organization, as well as its local and national leaders, is committed to its agenda rather than the content of a person’s character. They have no respect for anyone who thinks differently than they do. It is an organization founded on racist hate.


  1. It’s taking care of itself....players all getting COVID-19.....tell them to just take a knee and keep at it!!! Can’t happen to a nicer group of folks....professional sports folks all with their own agenda!!

  2. All of the sports have embraced the communists.

  3. Perfect fit for luciferians. Lies and deception, hate, seperate, confusion, anger, bitterness, all positive motivators for the black community??..and they trump a rasict hater

  4. I'm totally against the whole sports now for the reasons you well described.

  5. Not Jewish, but I certainly do agree with the Rabbi. I gave up watching pro basketball years ago when it began to resemble streetball with traveling and carrying no longer enforced, and because of the overabundance of thugs. I also refused to watch pro football because there were as many criminals suited up on the field than in detention facilities. Drug charges, domestic violence, gun possessions, etc. Then the kneeling.
    Being in my early sixties I have watched and enjoyed Major League Baseball since childhood. As a devoted Orioles fan I could not wait for spring training each and every year. Although MLB had its share of controversy and issues I felt it was the one sport that had remained the closest to its core. Then this year rolls around and you have players kneeling and the support for Black Lives Matter, a terrorist organization. I have yet to watch a single inning this year and refuse to ever watch the game again. I'm sure that many others feel the same way.


  6. MLB has been cancelled in this house due to owners permitting this crap. If they don't make it to 2021? Shrug.


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