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Tuesday, July 28, 2020

USPS Fails Mail-In Ballot Test

CBS News decided to test the system upon which the government will entrust the sanctity of the ballot this November. And the U.S. Postal Service flubbed it.
This is not about gaming the system, or voter fraud, or stuffing the mail with fake ballots from illegal aliens. This is about the competency of the USPS to deliver official ballots sent through the mail on time, and to the right people. They proved that the 100 million or more Americans who plan to mail in their ballots should not expect their vote to be counted unless they mail it weeks prior to the election deadlines in each state.
And even then there’s no guarantee it will be processed and counted.
The parameters of the test were simple and straightforward. CBS mailed 100 ballots to locations across Philadelphia in an experiment to see how long it took the ballots to arrive. A post office box was set up to receive the returned ballots.
A few days later, another 100 ballots were mailed to another 100 locations in the city. The results should frighten Democrats who claim they are all about “every vote being counted.”
A week after initial ballots were sent, most ballots appeared to be missing from the P.O. box.
“I don’t see anything back there for you,” a postal worker told Dokoupil when he received the mail. “That’s all I have back there right now.”
After asking for a manager and explaining the situation to them, the votes were found.
“They had them somewhere else,” the postal worker said.


  1. They should put a box outside the Election office so that voters can drop their ballot in it at their convenience. That way they don't have to worry about standing in a non-socially distance line in a public place. You keep the postal system out of it since they are known for losing things.

    1. That doesn’t mean you will get your ballot.

  2. Was the post office in a red or blue precinct?

  3. Conservatives should be the ones worried about every vote being counted

  4. Mail in voting is the biggest scam the democrats have come up with yet, and they have come up with some doozies. Don't do mail in voting. Go in person.

  5. Bob Aswell ....RealistJuly 28, 2020 at 9:15 PM

    Whaadid' I tell ya' a month ago. The dumbest move in politics is about to be realized and nobody has the balls to tackle it headlong. The damn PO is a collection of losers in management and operations. Sooo, we trust the election to them. This should be thwarted BEFORE the election.

    If there's a way to steal or disrupt the proceedings, don't worry, the Dims will find it. What I can't understand is, under current election laws this attempt to let the jugheads at the PO cast doubt about fairness and no interference by their bosses and buddies.

    Wake the Hell people and save this, the 'MOST' important election since the Truman Administration.

  6. The DNC needs this failing agency to help STEAL the Election. How many blacks, Muslims, and foreigners work at the post office?? TOO MANY.

    1. Not to mention that the Dems are always trying to get billions to bail out postal service... not a stretch to think they would "assist" the Dems in stealing the election for a huge bailout.

  7. If you won $20,000 on a scratch-off ticket, you would immediately write your name and address on the back, right?

    Then, you would just mail it to the Lottery Commission with a deposit slip to your bank account and just wait, right?

    Didn't think so.

    Vote in front of an election judge at a polling place.

  8. Not to mention the postal workers are backing the Democrats.


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