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Saturday, July 25, 2020

General Public Will Not Be Allowed At WMO’s Host Marina

OCEAN CITY — The 2020 White Marlin Open, now just a little more than a week away, will look different for spectators this year with no general public viewing of the live daily weigh-ins at host Harbour Island.

Last week, White Marlin Open (WMO) officials told the Mayor and Council the “satellite” viewing spot downtown at 3rd Street would be the primary venue with large viewing screens for the daily weigh-ins and family-friendly concessions and vendors.

The intent was to alleviate some of the pressure on the traditional Harbour Island host marina at 14th Street, which is typically crammed with thousands of sportfishing enthusiasts for the nightly weigh-ins. The original plan was to limit the crowd sizes at Harbour Island with a daily wristband program. Last week, WMO officials told the Mayor and Council the goal was to reduce the crowd size at 14th Street to just 25% of what it normally is during marlin week.



  1. This could be a regional major sporting event covered by a real live video production team, streamed on the city's website, but, no, it's going to be a cellphone camera event in dozens of obscure places.

  2. The entry's and purse will most likely reflect it.

  3. The leadership in this Town is not going to stop until they plunge it in bankruptcy.

  4. How can you give out enormous amount of money to winners of ifthis fishing tournament if you are not taking in money from observers and tourists. When is OC going to learn - when all money making events stop!

    1. Opiate Democrati OlsenJuly 25, 2020 at 5:01 PM

      Don't you watch CNN ?

      You might die if you are around people

      wear your mask
      stay home please..... stop this deadly virus

  5. That will make it all the more exciting.

    You can't make this stuff up.

  6. 226
    I agree 100%
    Unbelievably stupid people in OC

  7. Sorry guys only BLM members get to hang out. Ever see the board walk at three a.m. I am done with O.C. until they get a grip on reality. Marlin Lives Matter.

    1. BLM ... Bolshevik Lesbian Militia

  8. We are all stupid to obey these draconian rules.

  9. The prize money doesn't come from the town of Ocean City or any of it's businesses serving observers and tourists. It comes from the expensive entry fees that those large fishing boats pay.

  10. there is a family friendly place in OC? do they actually have a place that is safe?

  11. I think we should all protest at Harbor Island. Lot of other places you can protest and not follow any guidelines.

  12. Welcome to Covid City, Maryland for the White Marlin Open!

  13. More room to have fun at 3rd street. Can’t wait! Best family event in Ocean City.

  14. Harbor Island is gonna rock with the Trump flags flying! No kooks and no masks,a true Libtard-free zone. It will be the best party yet!!! And you’re not invited!!!


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