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Saturday, July 25, 2020

Maryland reports 930 new cases of coronavirus — highest number since May 30

Maryland has confirmed 930 new coronavirus cases Friday — the highest daily number since May 30 — as hospitalizations continued to accumulate.

It is Maryland’s 11th straight day of more than 500 new confirmed cases of COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus, reaching 81,766 total cases. The figure marks the highest daily increase that the state has seen since May 30, when 1,027 new cases were confirmed.

The state also reported 12 more deaths Friday. The confirmed death toll from the disease or its complications has reached 3,281 since the state began tracking it in March.



  1. False positives ... Just what Hogan wants so he can shut down Maryland and harm families

  2. As more people come out of their basements and more people are tested more people will be “positive “. So what! If you do test positive over 99% are just sick and most barely show symptoms. Figure it out and go on with your life.

  3. Older people like myself remember the 283 Chevy engines.They always ran their very best just before they blew.This virus is displaying it's last hoorah.

  4. Cases aren't deaths

  5. Why do people feel the need to run out and get tested?? Please someone answer that for me! If you’re sick stay home until you’re well. If you’re sick enough to be hospitalized they will test you there! If I get this virus I sure as heck am not letting the government know it!

  6. Do a google search...put in any number between 1 and 999 and the words " new cases" and you will get a bunch of articles about that number of cases. Try it...

  7. 12:25PM: Agreed and some sounds sense if you ask me, and that is why I call most of these people stupid!!! It pisses me off to no end becasue most of this is common sense and they just tossed it out of the window, and set us back thousands of years... People don't understand this is not technology where you just adapt, this will have affect for generations, wither that is good or bad!!! That is why Hitler started with the youth, think about it!!!! It just boggles my mind how so many people just rather give up their rights, and its funny to me that no one got this crazy over the flu, H1N1, Zika, EBOLA, Swine Flu, Bird Flu, I mean give me a break, now in the news I saw a week ago, and haven't seen anything like it since, based on the media there is another H1N1 virus china or someone found and said it is different than the first one lol go figure right? part of me things this is biblical becasue all of this crazy crap is happening in the world, with locust in Africa to all of this shutdowns... Their goal is to starve us to death or to control us with hunger!!! I saw a video of a interview of a Texas senator who looked to be 80 lol and this was back in the 80's and he said they were going to use water as a means to control people, and the smug look and attitude on this guy looked to mean business... This stuff is not only crazy but evil and has a lot to do with money... It is sick and no one can understand the level of sick and how deep it goes and how far reaching...

  8. Just more fuel for Lockdown Larry to keep the screws on all of this nonsense.

  9. Don't Trust the Numbers. period!!!

  10. Ooooooh I'm so scared!

  11. Northwest Woodsman: 11:51, I love the analogy of the 283 Chevy. You are absolutely correct. I have a 54 Chevy five window pickup with a 327 which is basically the same reliable engine as the 283. Thanks for remembering!

  12. Type any number into Google, up to 5 numbers and put "new cases" after those numbers. Amazing!


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