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Saturday, July 25, 2020

College Students Love Socialism… But Don’t Have a Clue What it Means


  1. This is typical

  2. You’re not doing you kids any favors sending them to liberal Universities they come out misinformed and in lifetime debt... Trade schools are a better option

    1. I work in the schools and even I tell kids don't feel like you have to go to college just because it is expected. There are plenty of great careers that do not require a college education. There has been such a push for college after high school which is the reason for high student debt. I needed college to enter my career field but now we are running short on experienced tradesmen. My own child has entered a trade school because I told him I didn't want him coming out of school in debt saying, "I know how to write research papers....do you want fries with that?"
      Also, as an adult who returned to school later after working I appreciated my education more and worked harder than I ever did in high school. There is no hard rule that says you cannot go to college if you choose to do so later in life. My opinion is not popular among admin but I don't give a shit. I tell the students I work with the hard truth. Make your education practical and usable! Tradesmen can make damn good money with little to no debt!

    2. I don’t have a lick of college. I make 110k a year and have zero debt.

    3. I am glad to hear that. My experience most people look down on you if you didn't have a college degree. They are amazed when they find out I make
      more money retired (no college) than they do working with (college degree.) College is a social thing for most kids - not all of course. I want my doctor to have a good education. However, you can be financially successful with out a degree. Truly plan your future. Most college graduates never work in the field they were educated. It's true. Don't go into debt for a piece of paper. Try college but don't put your whole future into it if it's not right for you.
      My mother always said "self praise stinks" no one wants to hear how much money you are making - just that you are doing well.

  3. I personally think all kids should serve one year in the military prior to doing anything else in life. That would certainly put a major dent in liberal indoctrination

    1. I've told kids who idolize the gang lifestyle to look into the military instead. They are fed, housed, clothed, and earn the respect of the nation instead of just their homies.
      Many NEED the structure the military can offer plus it can be a way out of the f'ed up lives and environment they are "stuck" in. A military family knows no racial differences when you have brothers and sisters in arms.
      I have been around some Marines who had no problems introducing their fellow soldiers as such even though they were a mix of white, black, and latino.
      Semper Fidelis!

    2. 9:56 am. A few foreign countries already do that - to include females. Good idea for U. s.

  4. Everybody is all for it. Then they are asked to define it and the answer is ah, ah, ah, well it helps people, right?

  5. This is exactly what our schools are putting out. And they are our future voters and they will vote socialist soon. Homeschool your kids and teach them. Before it is to late.

  6. If you don't know what the subject is, why are you even commenting on it. Shows how the liberal's education has proven such a failure. Too stupid and lazy to do the research. Once again, appeal to the uneducated, lazy and give them money. Morons lead the cult of the Dems. Proves you can still live in the basement a babble.

  7. Ummm.....crickets...wait until these dolts have to get jobs and pay real bills with half of their paychecks stolen from them.

  8. Rush had it right, even with one hand tied behind his back. Minds of mush. Sad though.

  9. These are the MORON'S that will be running the country?? WOW. They deserve everything bad that's coming their way. Too bad the country won't exist. But I'll be dead so it won't matter to me.

  10. 11:34 you are so right! My parents live in NC and this past week they found out their hot water heater had been leaking. More than a dozen calls later they found a plumber, but they still had to find a carpenter to replace the floor before they can even get a new hot water heater installed! Every carpenter they contacted said they were booked until the first of the year!
    We need more tradesmen and less college educated fools!

  11. Before any significant improvement or renovation to your home or business, have a lawyer review the contract. It willl save you thousands in the end. It’s amazing how many ‘contractors’ violate building codes because they know the county inspectors rarely do an actual inspection.

    1. Good advice but you missed the point of this discussion. No umbers, no floor contractors.

  12. Pitiful! Wait til they find out what happens when everything is "free"!

  13. These are people who, at best, will have only two roommates until their late thirties.

  14. Been trying to warn everyone about this for a very long time. They have no clue what they are talking about. No common sense, critical thinking skill, clueless at best. Public Schools and Marxist/Communist profs are to blame.

  15. In my day my father could take a car engine apart and repair it. That was not his main job but he wasn't helpless in any aspect. He could fix a toliet, add a bathroom, replace a roof - why are men (most) so helpless. When did we become so pathetic. Even I a female can install a light switch, move furniture, scrub carpets, etc. Now our kids can't even get out of bed until noon. Most don't drive, don't help with house chores, can't wash their own clothes, can't cook. It's pathetic. Where did we go wrong. Who do we blame - ourselves! 😢

  16. The sad truth is college never really instilled living skills. I recall so much redundant bull crap that l never used in life. I remember one class Man And His Weather. It was an easy A so why not. World Civ. another liberal bastion. The list goes on and on. Then you have students who have never left their front yards being taught socialist propaganda and believing it is a religious experience. I never met a male professor that was not trying to get laid. At least I did learn that beer pong is not an actual sport. I also learned that date rape is a horrible crime and if you happen to date any girl from New Jersey you will more than likely fall victim to this crime for the life me I do not know why the police never believed a male could be raped. Unless at some that officer dated a girl from New Jersey.


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