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Saturday, July 25, 2020

'Walking on eggshells': Stunning number of Americans afraid to voice political views

Members of only one group believe they can express themselves fearlessly

Self-censorship is on the rise according to a new Cato Institute survey that reports nearly two-thirds of Americans are afraid to share their political views.

A new CATO Institute/YouGov national survey found 62% of Americans say the political climate today prevents them from saying what they believe. This is up several points from 2017 when 58% of Americans said they were afraid to share their political beliefs.

“31% of liberals, 30% of moderates and 34% of conservatives are worried their political views could get them fired or harm their career trajectory,” the CATO survey stated.



  1. Oh bullship....here's something to tangle during these upside down crazy times.

    Trump Jr. 2024!

    Git'r done!

    Now back to my flounder hunting here in the Assawoman bay...already in progress!!!!

  2. It’s true Trump supporters are targeted but that only makes us more staunch in our beliefs and guaranteed we’ll turn out to vote

    1. You betcha will will - Trump 2020 πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

  3. Again, the cancer of social media being weaponized against free speech. These platforms once cheered have become the biggest threat to our republic.

    1. Agreed. EXCEPT this wonderful platform which IS DELMARVAS one and only News leader. That and the $2 Natural Lights!

      Living the life one day at a time.

    2. Free speech has gone too far - free speech with respect. Tells us what you have to say but keep it clean - respect.

    3. 2:46 You're wrong. There are laws against libel,slander,threats,etc. but the individual or group should be able to freely express views(no matter what they may be) without the snowflake cancel culture warriors and businesses ruining peoples lives. If a person doesnt accept you or your ethnic or socioeconomic group no one should abridge your right to express that opinion.

  4. I am proud to be a right wing nut... conservative. Not sure about many disappointing republicans, but I back our president 1000%. Government positions are just too crooked, over paid. Shouldn’t even be paid considering what they steal. Hopefully four more years and many more can be cleaned out and sent packing. We need today’s conservatives in office, not forty year veterans. Go Trump!

    1. Those 40 year veterans are called career politicians. Career politicians just know how to steal and fight with each other. Nevermind the good of the country. Why do you think they hate Trump - because he is not a career politician. Trump can see the dirty dealings and what's in it for me politicians. The hate will not go away. That's why Trump supporters must vote Trump 2020πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

  5. It's time to hold the MSM accountable. How they can get away with the LIES they report is beyond me.

  6. The only opinion that matters is the one you cast privately when you vote.

  7. Sitting around my barbershop with a mask on discussing politics with a bunch of old people like myself is not exactly a fun thing to do.

  8. They are trying to lay the groundwork of excuses as to how far off the polls are showing hiden biden leading.

  9. I'll tell anyone my political beliefs. It's my right to vote for anyone I want to.

    Signed Anonymous.

    1. 1:12 of course you can vote for whoever you want too - That's AMERICA πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

  10. I work in a field dominated by liberals and only share my opinions (most of which focus on the blatant double standards within the organization) with a few like-minded individuals. My boss (who is African-American) says she's "open to having discussions about race and bias," but that's a joke. If I were to raise my valid concerns and opinions about what is going on both in our place of employment and in general society (since one seems to feed the other), I'm sure I would be labeled any number of things. In fact, I'm waiting for someone at my job to complain about the "Don't Tread on Me" bumper sticker on my car - yes, I'm serious. The very fact that I think someone will have an issue with something so innocuous as a sticker is the very reason I put it on there in the first place.

    p.s. I know what many of you are thinking "look for another job!" - already on it.

  11. NEVER allow this to happen to you!!

  12. my friend bought herself and I a blue lives matter bracelet to wear to show our support, the others at work were wearing black lives matter bracelets, we are just too afraid of the fallout to wear them. What a shame.

  13. Your story is sad but true - life is too short to try to bring stupid people around.

  14. I'm fine with President Trump and will vote for him. Don't like all the ads to donate to him. It's not him as much as when you read at the bottom you see RNC. Not giving my money to that backstabbing bunch.



  15. Northwest Woodsman: it is very noticeable that Marxist democrats proudly display their political views with bumper stickers their Prias . Bernie, Hillary, Obama, all the usual suspects are right there in our faces on their stupid bumper stickers. Rarely do I see a sticker with a republican or conservative on it. To me, it just demonstrates the political stupidity of Marxist democrats who fall for the indoctrination and Manipulation of the press and media. Although, here in liberal land, I have seen very few Biden signs and no bumper stickers. I think that conservatives have a completely different personality profile from these Marxists and as in my case, wouldn’t foul up my vehicle with a political sticker on it. I have seen four Biden signs in yard, and it baffles me that anyone could be so stupid as to advertise how truly insane they are.

    1. A Republican will look at a Biden for President sticker and just keep walking.
      A Dem will see a Trump 2020 sticker and vandalize the vehicle or assault the car owner. The same goes for signs on property.

  16. Smart move. There is no “discussion” occurring. Only screaming by extremists. Both sides. And one get assaulted.

  17. My advice is to wear anything that has the American flag on it. That isn't offensive . . . yet.


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