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Saturday, July 25, 2020

Joe Biden: The Chinese Communist Party's Candidate for President

It’s becoming increasingly evident that Joe Biden is China’s preferred candidate in the 2020 presidential election.

Several Chinese state-owned media outlets, including China Daily and the China Global Television Network (CGTN), have nowexpressed support for the anti-Trump Lincoln Project, a group of disaffected “NeverTrump” Republicans.

The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) affinity for Biden should not come as a great shock. The former vice president has been a great ally to China throughout his decades-long political career. As a senator, Biden voted to approve Permanent Normal Trade Relations with China back in 2000, granting China unprecedented access to America’s markets despite its abysmal record on human rights and brazen violation of international trade rules.

Even now, he absurdly insists that the world’s second-largest economy doesn’t even represent “competition” for the U.S.



  1. Tough choice this election. Who to vote for, the Chinese backed candidate or the candidate backed by Russia?

  2. 5:47 AM - You do mean the candidate the Democrat Party framed and paid for by Clinton with Russia operatives aiding them?? Search and you will find the real truth. Putin had Obama as his puppet for years. He did not want Trump.


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