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Saturday, July 25, 2020

Donald Trump: If Public Schools Close, Give Parents the Money for School Choice

President Donald Trump endorsed on Thursday the idea of giving federal funds to parents of students for a school of their choice if their local public school districts close during the coronavirus pandemic.

Trump said he asked Congress to pass $105 billion in funding for schools to help them reopen promptly and safely, unless they refused to do so.

“If schools do not reopen, the funding should go to parents to send their child to public, private, charter, religious, or home school of their choice,” Trump said. “The keyword being choice. If the school is closed, the money should follow the student.”

“Our goal is to protect our teachers and students from the China virus while ensuring that families with high-risk factors can continue to participate from home, very important,” Trump said.

The president cited the statement from the American Academy of Pediatrics recommending that schools be reopened, warning of the dangers to children. He also noted that the National Education Association said that online learning was never an effective replacement for in-person learning.

Trump said that students were already behind in their studies after schools closed in the spring as a result of the pandemic, especially in black and Hispanic neighborhoods.

Trump noted that 99.96 percent of all coronavirus fatalities were among adults, making it safe for students to return to school.



  1. This is what they hate. His common sence. Backing what ive better shouting on this blog for years.school vouchers!!
    Problem will be the unions relics of an education system thats failed.get your kids out while you can..it will only double down from on line braineashing session from big ed going forward. School Buildings malls what to do?? Better Save me taxes

    1. 807: Hooked on phonics worked for you. Go ahead and homeschool your children. You are obviously so well educated. 🙄

  2. BANG. Over HALF of your taxes go towards public schools, and they ask for more every year.

    It's time for vouchers.

    F__K them.

  3. Since the Wicomico County Board of Education closed schools for the Spring 2020 semester they owe the Wicomico County taxpayers approximately $25,000,000. No one can deny that a rebate is owed to the taxpayers and we want it now. That half-assed online program they threw together was a farce and our children got absolutely nothing from it. Since they are dabbling in the idea of closing for the Fall Semester they need to lay off all of the educators, administrators and other staff and give back an additional $25,000,000 to the Wicomico County taxpayers. Those lazy ass teachers and administrators liked "working from home" and they are going to attempt to do it again. We the taxpayer need to step up to the plate and demand they lay the teachers and other staff off and give the taxpayers our rebate!!

    1. Rebates should only apply to families whose children actually did the schoolwork the teachers still had to grade. The families that sat on their fat lazy asses and did not bother to answer the phone when teachers tried to call with concerns about missing work.....🖕 you get nothing because I know plenty who were working well past normal school times online with students 1:1 because the kids and parents couldn't be bothered to go online during normal school hours!

  4. Parents may choose a particular school, but if there are social distancing guidelines to follow, that will make the school accept less students. They probably won't be able to get in where they want to go. There will be long waiting lists.

  5. Anonymous said...
    Rebates should only apply to families whose children actually did the schoolwork the teachers still had to grade. The families that sat on their fat lazy asses and did not bother to answer the phone when teachers tried to call with concerns about missing work.....🖕 you get nothing because I know plenty who were working well past normal school times online with students 1:1 because the kids and parents couldn't be bothered to go online during normal school hours!

    July 26, 2020 at 11:39 AM

    You sound like a teacher that hates your job!


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