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Saturday, July 25, 2020

Fitton: Comey FBI Leadership Sent Frantic Emails on Eve of Trump’s Inauguration

As we continue uncovering details of the coup against President Trump by top Obama/Deep State officials, we’ve also noted the FBI and DOJ are still slow-rolling the release of information about the scandal.

So, frustratingly slowly – but surely – we’re getting piece after piece of the Obamagate puzzle.

We received another batch of emails, 136 pages, between former FBI official Peter Strzok and former FBI attorney Lisa Page. They include heavily redacted emails showing Strzok, Page and top bureau officials in the days prior to and following President Donald Trump’s inauguration discussing a White House counterintelligence briefing that could “play into” the FBI’s “investigative strategy.”

On January 19, 2017, the night before President Donald Trump’s inauguration, a series of emails were exchanged among top officials in the FBI’s General Counsel’s office, Counterintelligence Division and Washington Field Office, and included then-Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and former Assistant Director for the Counterintelligence Division Bill Priestap.



  1. Bill Barr doesn’t care and America has forgotten and probably gave up caring about it. It’s Nancy P world we just pay her to keep us oppressed

  2. The investigation will not include Obama and Biden this is not tit for tat... Attorney General Barr

  3. Lock these da_n people up now.


  4. AG Barr always speaks carefully, even if those listening are less careful about what they 'hear'.

    He said that current info, when he said it, didn't go to Obama and Biden complicity. Since then, we know more about their presence, statements and instructions in directing the coup.

    There will be a reckoning.


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