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Saturday, July 25, 2020

It's not 'fascism' to protect federal property from riots, revolutionaries

Are the images of lawlessness and disorder pouring out of Portland, Ore., and the gun violence and crime waves overtaking New York and Chicago going to have a negative impact on the rising political fortunes of the left?

They might. Hence the effort to frame the deployment of federal law enforcement to Portland and elsewhere as the emergence of American “fascism.”

Let’s be clear here: There are federal law-enforcement agents “deployed” in every city in the United States, and feds tasked with the protection of federal buildings in those cities. Local and federal officers work together on task forces on a daily basis on matters that cross jurisdictional lines.

Only the most radical among us, from the far left to the far right, see a fundamental problem with this — and generally speaking, that’s because they believe law enforcement is itself inherently unjust.

Given that fact — and the fact that it’s usually liberals and leftists who demand federal intervention in local law-enforcement issues (especially those having to do with race) — we have every right to wonder at the good will of those who are suddenly embracing the glories of states’ rights.



  1. Or to protect federal property from the Likes of the Bundy clan.......

  2. 80 percent white rich city and mayor can’t even keep them straight. Another Harvard trust fund kid. His Wikipedia page reads as if he is updating it every 30 second with “ I’m the greatest “ page. It’s more like fakebook or tinder. Even his was recently left him because of the obvious reason.

    1. 10:02
      Great point!

      Wiki is the work of intelligence to control people’s opinions about everything

  3. Amen to the article, but the bunds had rights to the art of the Uranium One mine that Hillary sold to Russia, so let's discuss that separately, 9:35.

  4. Bundy's, Area. Wow, spellcheck is an idiot these days...

  5. You shouldn't need spell Steve, us none millenials now how to take care of things ourselves. Proof reading might be a help to you also.


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