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Saturday, July 25, 2020

Federal Employees can get one day off for every 1.4 Days worked

They already make an average 55% more in wages and compensation than private sector workers, get 10 paid holidays, and can be eligible for another 99 paid days off, so when Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson considered giving federal employees an additional free day for Juneteenth, he balked.

“I am happy to celebrate Juneteenth. I think we should celebrate the fact that we did remove that original sin by emancipating slaves,” said Johnson in blocking Senate approval Wednesday.

“I simply don’t believe we should make American taxpayers in the private sector pony up $600 million a year, $6 billion over 10 years, to give federal workers, who already are paid quite generously and have quite a few days off, one more paid day off,” he added.



  1. Wow

    A politician spoke common sense

  2. Learn to smell the bull by knowing the data. For one, this blanket claim of overcompensation is bull. Yes, low wage jobs like working in the cafeteria do pay more but these people are not living large on the tax payer dime. Its more to do with crap wages for low skill jobs outside the government. As for skilled work, folks with master degrees and PhD's in science and engineering make waaaaay less than their private sector counterparts. You can find the data yourself before coming back with immature taunts. The cost of a federal holiday is grossly over estimated by this dude. And yes, employees do enjoy leave. But most have to be around for 15 years before more generous leave policies kick in and I bet dude is counting sick leave into the mix. With sick leave YES it is generous because unlike private sector that leaves you out to die, fed employment doesnt penalize you for having a chronic illness. This is a good thing that all workers should demand from the private sector. Stop falling for these garbage claims that are meant to pit us in the lower and middle class income levels against each other. You should be more concerned about the fraud and corruption that Dems and Reps have conducted this year under the guise of COVID relief. Forget millions; we're talking trillions of waste and abuse there.

    1. Stop it unless u have walked in the shoes. Perception is one thing....knowing with the commentary is different. It's like saying cops...blah blah blah. Unless u have been in those shoes...zippy ur shit..

      $2 natural lights at a certain place in West Oh.....the island is salivating.

    2. Anyone can see the waste unless you are employed by the government. Local, county, state, or federal. The hell with the taxpayer that carries that waste (payroll included). Leave the minions bedded down in taxes.

    3. Sounds like a goobermint employee.
      Let's see you computation of cost on a day of the largest Employers labor cost. I think the dude is pretty close

  3. This will end up replacing Columbus Day.

  4. I worked for the federal government many years ago and it's true. You get soooooo many days off... I never complained then...

  5. I worked for The Town of Ocean City (actually known as Mayor and Council of Ocean City) several years ago. I could not believe how many holidays we had each year. Columbus Day? Give me a break. Also Veteran's Day and several others that the private sector does not get.

  6. If you want to see what corrupt government worker's get in terms of benefits??


  7. Can’t wait to see the car and furniture store commercials on TV-
    “Hurry on in for our Juneteenth sale. Sale applies to all current and former slaves and slave owners!!!”


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