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Saturday, July 25, 2020

Democratic mayors align w Rioters and Looters over Citizens / Police

Fifteen Democratic mayors have signed a letter addressed to Trump administration officials demanding the removal of federal agents from their cities or the cessation of impending deployments. On Monday, the letter was sent to Attorney General William Barr and acting Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Chad Wolf. The mayors and cities named should come as no surprise: Portland, Seattle, Washington, D.C., Atlanta, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Jose, Oakland, Phoenix, Tucson, Sacramento, Denver, Boston, Philadelphia, and Kansas City, Missouri. Some have become the epicenter of protests that have devolved into riots, anarchy, looting, vandalism, and cowardly attacks on law enforcement.

The letter charges, “federal law enforcement is being deployed for political purposes.”

Actually, the White House (and much of the country) is simply exhausted and disgusted by seeing progressive politicians so beholden to their leftist political constituencies that they dare not call out those causing the mayhem. They also dare not express support for their demonized police agencies. But what these mayors do have intestinal fortitude for are worthless gestures calling out the president for attempting to restore law and order in cities under siege.



  1. It is painfully obvious now that it is a Psyop

  2. Democrats offer anarchy and nothing else

  3. Now we have a Burn Loot and Murder Mayors Boy choir 50 strong💪.

  4. Citizens on patrol. Sounds familiar

  5. Salisbury needs a giant MAGA 2020 street mural Joe!

  6. Federal charges against said mayors being drafted now.

  7. Totally the best reason for school vouchers. Private and Charter Schools will be open due to statistics like under 300 deaths of ages under 24 since the outbreak and now known treatments is on the table.

    School teacher unions need to just die, period.

  8. Let them have their little towns and cities and when crime shoots up, let them live in their own filth! Oh they need federal funding? Just create a new tax or raise taxes on your citizens.

  9. Why do you guys keep insisting there is looting? The looting stopped almost 2 months ago.


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