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Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Disturbing video catches the moment irate woman pepper sprays family having a picnic — allegedly because they weren't wearing masks

A woman has gone viral after reportedly pepper spraying a couple having a picnic in a San Diego, California, dog park — allegedly because they weren't wearing face masks while eating their lunch.

Ash O'Brien says that she and her husband, Jarret Kelley, were minding their own business and enjoying a sunny picnic lunch with their three-month-old puppy when a raving woman approached them.

O'Brien says that the masked woman called the couple "idiots" and stuck up her middle finger at the two dining before deploying pepper spray at them and their food.

Video footage of the incident shows the unnamed woman appearing to spray a substance on and around Kelley while O'Brien hysterically wails in the background.

The footage, which was captured by a bystander, shows Kelley attempting to wrest the purported spray away from the woman as the bystander shouts, "What is your problem? You just maced him! You just maced him and their food because you disagree!"



  1. Sorry but she would have gotten her ass beat.

  2. What do mask do ? Throwing sand at a chain link. Paper mask that everyone is wearing does absolutely NOTHING for protection but in fact will make you sick over time.

    1. According to who?

    2. 12:21
      According to COMMON SENSE.
      Get a clue:

      Virus is microscopic!

      Geez. I learned that in High School

    3. Keep wearing your mask and only speaking when told too. Now back to your safe basement

    4. if you wearing a mask that protects you from me and me from you why do I have to wear one?

  3. If paper masks are so bad why is the whole of the medical world saying that they are the best to use?

    1. To appease everyone that there is something you can do to fight this virus.

  4. Did the woman “go viral”?

    Maybe the video went viral

  5. I’ve never put a hand on a female in my 76 years and don’t condone touching one in a battle. But this jerk should have had her lights put out. Would have been nice to see the female wife show the nut job that two can play that game.

  6. Is she one of the "peaceful protesting" moms according to Nadler?

  7. Now post stories of all the idiots who won't wear a mask throwing temper tantrums in stores and coughing on people....the REAL KARENS.

    1. It 8s their constitutional right - just like free speech only it isn't free.

  8. The very most minimal inalienable right:

    The right to breathe fresh air

  9. wtf is wrong with people? she shoulda gotten a good beat down!


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