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Tuesday, July 28, 2020

New weekly coronavirus cases double in Worcester County

Worcester County has the fastest growing rate of new coronavirus cases in Maryland, according to health department agencies and hospitals.

According to the Worcester County Health Department, 80 cases were diagnosed from last Friday to this Wednesday. The health department’s coronavirus update website was down on Thursday morning.

This brings the county’s total cases since March to 435. There have been 18 deaths in the county from coronavirus.

On Tuesday, Maryland was added to New York’s list of states that must quarantine for two weeks upon arrival. This mandate is effective for entry into New Jersey and Connecticut as well.



  1. Doubling already low numbers. Not really a big deal. Hospitals are nowhere near capacity. New flash, you can’t stop the spread. You can slow the spread, but can’t stop it. Virus gonna virus.

    Israel found that out. They had almost no cases, and now it is exploding. These things do not go away until there is herd immunity or a vaccine.

    Fortunately, now that we know how to treat people and are protecting the elderly, this is not much worse than a bad flu. That is not to say it’s no big deal. The flu can be deadly for many in our population. But the reality is, it is going to spread. That’s what viruses do. And then, they fizzle out.

    1. 9:22
      You seem to be expert on virus.
      Thank you

      Question: what about biological weapons designed to kill large numbers of old people?
      How do they behave?

    2. Because of the engineering of their ‘spine’ they are much more lethal and contagious when introduced to a group population. The only ways to stop them are by therapeutics that mitigate their effect or total lockdown of the population.

  2. Can we REALLY trust the numbers? who knows...hmmmmm.

  3. The more active cases we have during the summer months the worse the second wave this winter will be.

    1. 9:59 I thought this was the second wave

  4. I think it's hilarious watching people scurrying about with their little masks on.

  5. Yes, the pandemic of 1918 Also fizzled out...after 2.5 years and roughly 100 million deaths....dumbass...

  6. Have no fear Lockdown Larry is here.

  7. No surprise. Opening oc for the season should not have happened.

  8. Judging by the license plates seen on the highways, New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey are all here in droves. Is Maryland making them quarantine?

  9. The more testing, the more positives will be found.

    It's simple math that the presstitutes can spin to bring our political pandemic back until November.

    By now, we all have been exposed to it and with 60-80% test accuracy and testing people multiple times so they can go back to work, makes a mountain of incoherent numbers to make any statistic you can dream of.

    But keep those porous masks on and cloth diapers with holes big enough to let in viruses 12 wide.

  10. 7:02
    Thank you for truth

  11. As the number of cases keeps going up the number of deaths keeps going down.

  12. Mask only work if you a proper mask and have eye protection on also.

  13. Way to go idiots! New cases are surging in the anti-mask counties and states. Go figure. Bunch of morons.

  14. 7:02 we have not all been exposed to it. What an asinine statement.

    1. 8:37

      Up is down
      War is peace
      Black is . . . Well, you know

      Get a clue:
      Yes, everybody is now exposed.
      Did you ever take High School biology class?
      Or did you not pay attention?

      Virus is microscopic
      It passes right through a mask

  15. Gotta get those numbers up so schools can stay closed forever🙄

  16. 9:22. Exactly right. Virus gonna virus!

    1. 8:51 (Mr Ebonics)

      Virus is going to virus.

      Let me guess, you skipped school a lot

  17. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    No surprise. Opening oc for the season should not have happened.

    July 29, 2020 at 5:15 AM

    The all mighty dollar rules more

  18. I thought the virus took 1 to 2 weeks, 12 days to incubate??? Now it is down to a day???? Interesting...

  19. Watching the map - it started from the westcoast to eastcoast; then East to South.

    Now its restarted in the southern portion of the US and slowly moving northward.

    Yeah a virus is a virus - but remember it started from one person somewhere.

    Stay safe, summer (or what is called summer) is almost over, from a resort/hospitality standpoint.

  20. Close Ocean City down!

  21. 1026
    Thank you for thrashing that commenter for me.
    I no longer have the energy to keep doing it.


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