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Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Laura Ingraham Warns Voters on a Democrat Administration: “Imagine If They Have the Justice Department to Terrorize People” (VIDEO)

Victor Davis Hanson joined Laura Ingraham on Monday night on The Ingraham Angle following another weekend of leftist violence.

Laura warned American voters about the sheer terror of a Biden DOJ stacked full of angry Democrats and Antifa supporters.

Laura Ingraham: Imagine if they have the Justice Department to terrorize people. Now they have people at a bridge stopping cars and they’re throwing roman candles shooting them at federal officials. Imagine when they have the full force of the Justice Department to harass every American who doesn’t go along with their nonsense. That’s what people have to start thinking about.

That sounds like a horror show.
Just ask Mark and Patricia McCloskey!



  1. We already have seen it with Obama. She also mentioned thevDA Kim Fox of SHITCOGO. Not prosecuting criminals of the RIOT'S. You mean to tell be she can get away with that?? I mean if I don't do my job. I'm out of a job.

  2. Why doesn't Fox news OUT all the REPUBLICAN Rinos who refuse to help President Trump?? Not the usual suspects. But the sneaky ones. Grassley. McConnell, McCarthy, Graham. Even that little POS from Illinois Kinzinger. Some big hero he is. A weekend warrior flying C130 in the U.S.. ANOTHER Bush wannabe. Should call everyone of these bums out. Pick one everyday until the election.

  3. The dems have been hurting people on the shore . Did you just wake up.


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