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Saturday, July 25, 2020

Homeschool enrollment booms as uncertainty over School reopening

As local school districts across the country struggle to develop reopening plans in the face of uncertainty about a possible resurgence of COVID-19 and teachers' unions that are in many cases holding districts hostage with laundry lists of insane leftist demands, many parents are responding by pulling their children out of public schools altogether in favor of homeschooling.

In Texas, the Texas Homeschool Coalition says they have been "flooded" with calls from parents who have been dissatisfied with the distance learning they received from their public school system during the spring shutdowns, and have decided to pull their kids out of public school entirely and homeschool them.

After the Texas Education Agency announced that schools in Texas will be permitted to use online-only learning for at least the first eight weeks, the Texas Homeschool Coalition estimated that their average weekly number of contacts from interested parents doubled.



  1. If you can do it that’s the way to go.. The public school system not only failed students but society

  2. Maybe there is a silver lining to this

  3. Return by tax dollars collected for public education ASAP.

  4. It's time for vouchers. Private schools will open and so will Charter schools. Screw the Union schools. We know what's best for our kids, they only know what's best for their UNION.

  5. Fire the teachers like Reagan did to air traffic controllers.

    They aren't working (and don't wish to) but still being payed.

    1. But they are working. And it is harder then just going to school and teaching. I actually homeschool my kids. So I don't have any skin in the game but I do know how much work it is. I do not understand why so many hate the teachers. It's a hard job. They deal with alot of crap. Why not be mad at the regulations that control the teacher or the Board of Ed. The teacher is the bottom of the bucket.

  6. In my area we have 5 woman who are starting school for the neighborhood kids. Better than nothing. Much better than wicomico county schools. Where all they learn is propaganda.

  7. How about referendums that were passed, to build new schools? Indian River School District passed it. So they want to build a school when kids will not be attending?


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