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Sunday, July 26, 2020

Anti-America’s Game: San Francisco Giants Players and Their Manager Kneel During National Anthem – MLB Defends the Players

Citizen Free Press reported that the professional baseball players and coaches of the San Francisco Giants took a knew today during the playing of our National Anthem:

The San Francisco Giants manager and several coaches and team members took a knee during the national anthem before their first exhibition game in the Bay Area on Monday night.

Manager Gabe Kapler and members of the coaching staff joined players Mike Yastrzemski, Austin Slater, and Jaylin Davis and coaches Antoan Richardson and Justin Viele in taking a knee, according to NBC Bay Area. Shortstop Brandon Crawford stood between Richardson and Davis and placed his hands on their shoulders in an apparent sign of support.



  1. Irony is half the athletes will be unemployed in 6 to 8 months along with journalists that covered them. FYI blm now has 1.8 BILLION in its war chest and they support Biden and his crime bill. Makes sense.

  2. BLM fund raising is a front for Democratic candidates funds!

  3. BLM is a domestic terrorist organization. They are filled with racists that hate white people. They dont care about blacks being murdered by blacks just by police. Last 19 killed by police. 7700 killed by other blacks

  4. so glad to see comments from 'awake' patriots here...

  5. 11:34 & 11:41: Hey guess what? You let them do it so STFU!!!! All of you let them!!!!

    1. 11:50
      You don’t fit in with the readers of this blog

    2. 11:50-By your logic, so did you, idiot! How about that? How did I specifically, "let them?" What did we "let them" do? How is it possible that come here and always state the dumbest trolling comments? Always accusing others, but refuses to look in the mirror. You ass.

  6. All of these major sports are going to be hit where it matters...in their checkbooks. Ratings will be going down, which means advertising dollars will go down. That’s where they make their money...ticket sales barely move the needle. Your tv providers are going to take a hit too, no matter if you stream or have cable. Without live sports, I’ve realized how little there actually is to watch on tv.

  7. 1150 - so you are not "all" and only one (yourself), right?

    Nice to see that you have the capability to ostracize yourself from any or all challenges.

    Must be lonely being all by yourself? I...ALL of us wouldn't know or understand. Go for you!

    Do remember when you will need future assistance, task yourself to help you!


  8. I'm all for less of you racists at the games. Please, protest, be my guest.

    1. I will make you happy and stay home 12:13. One racist you don't have to worry about sitting next to.

    2. We will 12:13. But you aren't going either you whiney bitch. Go in down to Baltimore walk around fells point. See your Lilly WHITE SASSY ASS become a statistic from your non RACIST black friends you live so much.

  9. 11:48 you spelled "sundowning boomers" wrong

  10. That's alright. When the league begin to loose MILLIONS. Besides. Baseball SUCKS. Bunch of steroid using Dominican republic pretty boy's.

  11. SAD. I was so....much looking forward to baseball, but that now appears to be OUT!

  12. No more baseball either.

    1. That's right 12:34, no football, no nascar, and now no baseball for me either. I never did like basketball and nike is f**king that up too. So it looks like I'll be watching golf until tiger woods gets an offer he can't refuse.

  13. Are you against this sort of behavior?
    Are you like me and really want to watch the game?
    Then boycott the sponsors. Boycott a selective sponsor for 30 days is all you have to do.
    Any business that airs a commercial during a game in which this nonsense happens will NOT get a dime of my money.
    It is so incredibly simple. Money talks. Loudly.
    You can complain 'til the cows come home and it means nothing, but take the money and profit away and suddenly people will listen.

  14. I am sorry but if they would like to protest find another way. It's so disrespectful to so many men and women who have lost their life. Same for stealing the rainbow which is original to a Christian as a reminder of God's promises. Find another symbol. BLM is not for the rights of black people. They are using ignorance that they have created for an agenda. We all are screwed if they continue. God help us all.

  15. 11:50 what do you mean "All of you let them"? Exclamations aren't a substitute for concise thoughts

  16. 1134 how so (unemployed)?

  17. Good thing the fans were cardboard and not real. The Giants I hope score zero all season.

  18. TALK about trying to show how embrassing you are for being WHITE. Pathetic.

  19. R. I. P NFL MLB NBA 🖕

  20. i wont know what sponsors to boycott as I dont waste my time watching bs!

  21. 1150 - how's things going over there in STFU land?


    (snicker snicker)

  22. Well like I said guess baseball is done for me now too
    What a shame
    Sports are over
    The PC crowd and government ruined that too
    Oh well life will go on with out it

  23. Yeah, the team owners called me before the game to ask if it would be okay. I told them to go ahead, just because it's San Francisco.

  24. 1250 you claim its so disrespectful. LOL I know personally the vets in my family and friends circle don't give a damn. Their service speaks for itself. The love and appreciation they receive far outweighs any protest gestures. They understand that they actually fought to protect the right for americans to protest. And unlike you, they understand, whether they agree or not, the message of those who are kneeling. So give it a rest Nancy

    1. That's funny because the vets I know do care and see it as a disrepect. Guess it is all about the company you keep. Maybe if you could read what I wrote, you would understand that I agree people have the right to protest. But I do not agree it should be done during their job while the atham is played. The fact they do it the way they are is actually taking away from their message. If I was wrong, then the money wouldn't be lost from sales of the tickets to watch the games. It obviously is ticking alot of people off. It isn't about me understanding their message. I get their message but it is the wrong time and place. Period. You do alot of assuming in your post, and most of it is wrong, but that's ok. I'm not a hateful person so I forgive you. It's obvious you didn't comprehend what I said. Not sure who Nancy is. You have the wrong number.

      How about we just stop playing the Atham at the games altogether.

  25. people are so tired of watching disrespectful millionaires.I say play the Nationa Anthem while they're playing the game.


  26. How about that? First game of the mini season and it's already over, done, finished, kaput in my part of the world. The players participating bear responsibility but even more rests on the shoulders of the owners. Permitting it is condoning it and endorsing it.

    More sports memorabilia to pack away, and more time freed up for more productive endeavors. Maybe next year, maybe not.

    1. Burn that memorabilia and post it utube

  27. 2020 the year without sports

  28. 12:50
    Every vet I know finds it disrespectful. They could find another way to protest. It doesn't appear that this way is working.

  29. This is why I gave up buying memorabilia / watching / attending games of any sport. They are anti - American with these actions so they are telling me they are anti my money.

    1. The memorabilia is made in china also.

  30. 1250 methinks you don't quite understand how the 1st amendment works. It is not up to you to decide how anyone conducts a peaceful protest. Try again King Dimwit

    1. If a tree falls in a forest and no one is there to hear it does it make a sound? that's what's going to happen to sports. keep turning there backs on this country. They are making a lot of enemies not friends. The problem is fools like you think that's a stand for the 1st amendment you're an idiot. Your Definitly not a Patriot if you think shaming the flag and anthem is ok. My protest is i wont give a dime to anyone who supports this nonsence. Im a vet so i get it but i dont have to agree either. ILl only take a knee for JESUS because All lives matter. we are all brothers and sisters in christ..im sure you piss on that too and thats why i pity people like you.

    2. You are so wrong. I do have the right to decide if I agree with their behavior or not. This is America. You don't get to tell me my way is wrong. You can not agree with me. But this is what Freedom is. It isn't right to disrespect the National Athem or the American Flag. To me that is not peaceful. This country is the best county out here. We have come such a long way. Half these people who think they have been treated bad need to spend some time in other countries. You should do the job you are paid to do and take your protest and do it on your own time. And don't take a symbol and make it something it isn't. Obviously it is offensive and is backfiring on them or they would not be bleeding money. Their point is lost on how they choose to do it. Make America great again. I have never seen such hatred that I have seen recently. We are going backwards and not moving forwards. Sure we have things that need to be done and continue to make sure all people are treated fairly. That does not mean we should disrespect people to make a point.

    3. You can always tell the person who needs help. When you have to result to name calling and degrading behavior instead of having an adult conversation. You my friend are part of the problem. I disagree with you. And that is ok. I am glad to see your point of you. I don't have any desire to call you mean and ugly names. Stop trying to hurt others just because your heart is sour. Always choose love.

    4. 640 (and the previous replies): prwctice the love you preach. Perhaps doing so will open your ears to hearing what these guys are actuallybsaying in their protest. Instead you want to sit on your own make believe high horse and cry crocodile tears. You still dont understand the concept around "peaceful protest" so I dont expect you to understand much else in this world. Miss me with your phony outrage cloaked in christianity.Clear farce

    5. Another FAG.

  31. We have traditionally thought of our athletes as patriots, but that is not the case with the current generation. Do not play the anthem and do not have the military pay to perform at games.

  32. 3:55 The problem is the majority of today's major league players are the generation that got trophies for participation, so they don't know what it is to earn anything! That's why we don't see Patriots playing sports anymore, we see spoiled babies, that think they deserve something just for showing up!

    1. 404 Thanks for another clueless doofus comment. Sure, these guys have the skills to earn tens of millions of dollars yet you think they got to their position magically by sitting on their rump and never working? Yeah that makes sense.

    2. 10:09 You replied with a doofus comment. Skills? Oh for God sake they play a game that all kids played when they were little. Yea they’re good at it but NONE of them are worth millions. Working? Oh yea cause playing a game is work🙄 And you’re an idiot if you think otherwise.
      I think 4:04 hit a nerve with you. How many participation trophies do you have? 😂

    3. 853 yeah they are so low skilled that Im sure you can make the team any day. Bwahaha. Get a clue dude. They dont get paid for playing a kids game. They get paid for generating billions of dollars in revenue for the league every year. Thats how economics work. Thanks for the double dose of doofus comment.

  33. Burglars

  34. If you want the games to be viewed in China, gaming and apparel then YOU ALL WILL KNEEL. Money is money slave labor is better then starving. China has 2 billion reasons why athletes will always obey them... examples what if communist government of China say we will have nothing to do with lebran James. His name is forbidden to be spoken in China? Poof bye bye super star. Everyone knows it.

  35. Look ... made in China has been around for a long time I'm 60 so it's inevitable we're going to do business with China. the problem is collusion democrats China, Corvo 19 all right they're in front of us some are just too stupid to see it

  36. Go play for a country you're proud of.

  37. Overpaid Losers.....

  38. No more sports in the US. They are all liberal babies. The owners and the players. Will never again support by going or watching on TV. I am a patriot and part of the majority of voters that will vote. TRUMP 2020

  39. So many of you. How does it feel to be on the wrong side of history?

    You'll make this show of solidarity about anything other than what it really is.

    And that's the point, and that's why we are where we are now.

    You didn't pay attention, and you lied about what other people's message was for your own political ends.

    Try "honesty" sometime. It really does feel much better!

  40. If you want to be forced to stand for the flag and obey a national symbol, you should leave AMerica and go to North Korea....this is MY country and it will be a FREE country no matter a bunch cult trump cult members want to believe...

    1. Are they being forced to kneel? Because I’m pretty sure if you don’t kneel you will be shamed out of a job. Obey. Oh yeah put that mask on obey shame shame Russia Russia Russia

    2. There are plenty if athletes NOT kneeling. Stop just making up garbage

  41. F them Dirtbag White Cowards!

  42. 157
    Stop telling others to leave the Country in which they were born.
    That is just pain stupid.

    Don't like the Country? Try to change it. Don't leave it

    You must be a quitter.
    Probably quit everything you over tried.

  43. What age are ALL sports players???


    Why are any of you surprised?

    Ignore these stupid young punks and move on.

    You are the dumb ass if you watch and give them YOUR $$$$$.

  44. The comments on this thread remind me as a black person why I will never be or vote Republican. You all like to call the Demokkkrats out for their racist history but yet you are the party of the racist today. I constantly see overtly racist and bigoted statements on this blog. What's even more shameful to be proud of being a racist but doing so anonymously. Just like the KKK did decades ago, hide their identity. This is why BLM, for all the racists who work anonymously in law enforcement, the judicial systems, the banks, the schools. You are why systemic racism still lives. You are why black people and others continue to protest. Imagine living in a country where racists try to silence your voice for justice by boycotts and threats? You poor oppressed racist who can't handle the truth. A veteran actually suggested kneeling but you seems to ignore that fact. Many veterans support the peaceful protest. You complain if the protest are peaceful and complain when they start rioting. Can't have it both ways.

    1. 8:52 You're so full of shit.nif you are actually black then you are clueless. All this movement is HATE WHITE'S. If the roles were reversed?? You would be the first to cry racism. Hell if someone looks crooked at you. You cry racism. The only race in history that still needs and plays the victim. The only race that have been given everything to succeed. And still can't. You aren't worth fixing. I say let you FOOL'S kill each other. BLM?? More like BLACK LIVES MURDERER.

    2. Bwahaha methinks 1230 flunked out of history class and loss his school yard crush to a black dude. Or maybe he's just pissed his lilly white daughter ran off with a brotha. Who knows. But no need to waste time with clueless idiots. Usually this is where I insert some facts and data but dude is obviously like so many here; no need to read and learn when u can just mske it up as you go

  45. It’s not about Black lives you hardly see any blacks with this group they’ve been hijacked by Marxists and taking a knee is submission

  46. It is their right to take a knee if they want to do so. It is also my right not to attend the games or watch them on the television. I won't bash them for their choice I just won't be participating.

  47. When they take a knee that knee is on every one that served.

  48. They are just doing it for the attention, look at me look at me.
    That’s why everyone else has a mask on but them, they just want attention.

  49. only white people are racist, black people are full of love. bless their hearts. now me and my family are heading to the boardwalk to get the hell beat out of us. don't forget, OC is a family town.


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