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Tuesday, June 09, 2020

WHO reverses position on face masks as coronavirus cases climb

The World Health Organization is now advising everyone to wear face masks in public when they can’t practice social distancing — an about-face from its earlier guidance on stopping the spread of the coronavirus.

WHO director-general Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus announced the shift Friday, citing new evidence that showed face masks worn by healthy people could be “a barrier for potentially infectious droplets,” the BBC reported.

WHO had always advised that sick people and their caretakers should wear medical face masks. The new guidance advises healthy people to wear non-medical face masks.

WHO officials for months have stood firm that a healthy person would get a false sense of security from wearing a mask and would use up supplies needed by medical professionals.

New York already has a mandate for everyone to wear a face mask if they can’t stay at least 6 feet apart.

New studies, however, show people can be highly infectious in the few days before they show symptoms or can catch the virus and never show symptoms.



  1. Because they WANT it to spread to take down Trump ... ๐Ÿ–•

  2. The WHO is a "non entity" per our president, so from this point on, when referring to the WHO, U'm gonna have to assume we're talking Rock & Roll!

  3. This is all but over. They have moved their plan to a new tactic. Protesting. Whats the next attempt?

  4. It is this constant flip-flopping by all of the so-called experts that destroys their credibility, even among the most ill informed.

  5. We don’t believe you, not because you made a mistake but because you intentionally lie.

  6. Plus wearing a mask reinforces the fear factor.
    It is a cognitive dissonance process. If I wear a mask, there must be danger.

  7. Why are we still listening to this Chinese owned organization?? It's obvious they helped CHINA in trying to hurt AMERICA.

  8. It's OVER, folks. The WHO is China. The CDC is hiding numbers in so many different categories it's impossible to add them up to get a real picture of what's really going on, which is NOTHING.

    Take off the masks, open up the Country and our businesses and get this country going forward again.

  9. These morons at the WHO don't know whether to scratch their watch or wind their butts.

  10. If you've been to a protest get tested. Zip codes all over are suggesting spread was going on at the protests even with face masks.

    1. cool maybe it will teach them a lesson but I dont believe it will be a massive break out its all BS

  11. I don’t care anymore is all bs.

  12. Masks DO NOT NOT keep out any virus. We have been played since day one.


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