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Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Twitter apparently deleted this Trump message

GO HERE to view.


  1. What a beautiful, unifying message.

  2. Joe'
    This time I believe the democrats have gone too far , the virus , the killings and the riots , the looting and promoting no police .
    You will see gun sales sky rocket again in the next few weeks . ATIFA and BLM are the speakers for the democrats .
    I never thought I would see this in our nation , the 8 years of obama with his propaganda has left many wounds in our country.
    I can only see one way out and it won't be pretty , civil war . We must take our country back now is the time . Sorry folks , if you can give me another solution besides political I will consider it .
    The sleeping giant has awaken , my GOD have mercy on these people.
    My mamma always said , "fight fire with fire". Amen

    1. Many are considering a civil war. They are sitting and waiting for the last straw to break. God is great and guns are good, thank you for our freedom amen

  3. Thank you Father God for Our President Donald J Trump.

  4. Put it on television President Trump. Twitter will swear it violated some policy. Yet we see the stuff it leaves up for the other side. Just more biased media.

  5. Why???? Because it's a message of hope and unity?

  6. Do they no longer have to have grounds for deleting things? What user terms could this awesome video possibly have violated?

  7. I'm thankful I don't us twitter.

  8. This does not fit their narrative of President Trump so they could not allow it to appear.

  9. 6:41 is delusional.

  10. I am glad 6:41's generation are on their way out.

    1. Tough, my children and grand children have been trained by my generation

  11. Uh oh, black people are demanding they be treated equally! Better start a civil war! We already did that 6:41, you lost.

  12. Tweet less,...unify more President Trump.
    This Country needs you to be a leader right now

  13. 8:44 & 8:45 - same person. clearly and idiot.

    What generation is this person? I am Gen X and I like the idea purging the gene pool, when's the party? I know many many people much younger than me ready as well. Dont worry we arent going anywhere.

    Keep playing dress up and thinking you have a clue.

  14. I am uplifted by this message. If you don't like President Trump mute the speaker and enjoy each protestor photo for encouragement.The rioter/looter photo's are also dynamic. And then just for reference watch and listen this time, if you now get a different effect,you got it(TDS) bad.

  15. Fact checking matters folks.

    This campaign ad was pulled from Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram because of a DMCA (digital millennium copyright act) claim by a copyright holder.

    According to this law, when a copyright holder files a claim, the video must be taken down.

    This isn't some kabaal with any social media platform. Apparently, the video contains illegally used clips.

    If the claim is FALSE, then the claimant faces heavy civil and criminal consequences.

    A DMCA take down request must be complied with BY LAW.

  16. Well of course, it promotes healing not violence, peace, law and order not anarchy, and it goes against BLM and the anarchists radical messages - how would they influence and recruit if not by fermenting hatred? Lets not forget how the social media platforms were used by mid east radical thugs to recruit, terrorize and murder.

  17. Oh 8:45 ,
    lost ? We have just begun to fight , we haven't fired the first shot -------yet . Dreamer, you are so scared and it's so obvious.


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