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Monday, June 08, 2020

Joe Biden is clueless about the nation’s latest crisis

“The nation is crying out for leadership, but this president has nothing to offer,” claims Joe Biden — while offering none of his own.

As cities across the country see violent vandalsexploiting larger crowds of protesters outraged by the George Floyd killing, Biden is focused entirely on playing to that outrage — cluelessly.

“We need to get to work immediately on real police reform,” the ex-veep insists. In fact, a community-policing revolution has been underway for decades — Bill Bratton led it in New York, Los Angeles and again in this city, drastically reducing police use of force each time while also driving down incarceration rates. Now the extreme left has its own ideas, which boil down to no policing at all.

But Biden’s got no clue about any of it. His idea for reform? “Instead of standing there and teaching a cop when there’s an unarmed person coming at ’em with a knife or something, shoot ’em in the leg instead of the heart is a very different thing,” Biden said in a (can you believe it?) prepared speech at a church last week.

Translate the Joe-speak, and you’re still scratching your head: “Shoot to wing” is a fantasy — near-impossible even for expert marksmen, especially in a chaotic street situation. In mere seconds, you just can’t react, track a target and shoot like that.

For all his own problems with precise phrasing, President Trump is trying to address the violent lawlessness that opportunists are causing under the cover of protests. Biden shows no interest in reassuring Americans he cares about their safety.



  1. Will he make it through five months more before completely blowing a brain gasket? Who is it that is the Democrat backup plan should Joe start reciting nursery rhymes? There most certainly is one. The possibilities are few, and all are frighteningly poor, even more frightening than the blue hound in the Delaware mansion's rec room.

  2. If he gets elected he will have a black female vice president who will inevitably become the first black female president!! Can you see now how and why things are transpiring the way they are. Their going/willing to steal this upcoming election and finish their plan

  3. Biden was a segregationist

  4. Is this again coming down to the lessor of the evils? It is amusing to watch the likes of Colon Powell, a "brilliant" military strategist, claiming he will vote for Biden, and Bush 43 and Romney saying they can't support Trump. These are supposed "learned" people. As a conservative I am not enthralled with Trump's rhetoric and have not been for a long time. However, he has brought America to mainstream and trying to right the ship that has been atilt for so many administrations. Biden is a light weight, other left wingers are so radical or progressive they have no intention of protecting the constitution and will sell out at first opportunity.

  5. To think I voted for the Bush crowd along with that Mitt. There was a time I would had voted for Powell. Now I am embarrassed by the three. The rhetoric is what I and most Trump supporters like and agree with, 8:13. Not to mention his accomplishments since in office. Trump/Pence 2020!!

  6. The title could have stopped after the first 4 words.

  7. And Trump is????

  8. Have you bothered to check Trumps record on racism. I can provide if this site would publish


  9. 8:13 You may wish to get current on the facts. W has let it be known that he never said he wouldn't support the President; Fake News in its purest form. Gen. Powell had a fine career but the Powell Doctrine called for overwhelming force as its main tenet, hardly a novel concept. He had a lot of career movement during the Clinton years, and voted for Mrs. Bill Clinton in 2016. Always thought his best qualities were being protective of his wife and working on his Volvos as a hobby.

  10. He’ll never be able to read a lengthy comment off the teleprompter.....he has to concentrate way to long!! LOL

  11. Donald Trump:Joe Biden?? Gate to say it Joe you've been at it for 49 years and look at the mess you helped create. Trump 2020

  12. Go to your Rehoboth beach house and enjoy.


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