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Thursday, June 18, 2020

Where are the conservatives in Washington?

Exclusive: Erik Rush explains the dearth of pushback against demands of 'communistic' BLM

Over the last few days, we've heard a few conservative commentators discussing the lack of pushback we're seeing from Republican lawmakers and so-called conservative leaders against recent efforts to advance a radical socialist agenda on the part of the political left. It could be said that this push was touched off by the killing of George Floyd, a black man, by a white Minneapolis police officer on May 25; a more accurate statement is that leftist radicals and socialists in government are opportunistically exploiting Floyd's death as an ostensible justification for fundamentally transforming our nation in their perverse image, starting with the criminal justice system and law enforcement.

Suffice it to say that due to our history, many Americans remain tentative regarding issues of race and thus are often not certain about which side is the right side in the case of contentious situations that arise in this area. This is compounded when facts are obscured and the agenda co-opted by the left, as has increasingly been the case since the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s.



  1. Honestely...a good place to start.. read hidden dangers of the rainbow and dark majesty or you wont understand why there are not really any to begin with?

  2. Their secretly getting richer off back room deals they have no time for the issues facing us.

  3. Where are they? Social Distancing and wearing masks per instructions sillies!!!!!

    (snicker snicker)

  4. WHERE are the damn Congress when we need More Stimulus Money
    to be Approved for the Working Middle class people & small Businesses
    in America ???

    We have been Harmed & it's not going away (by the Pandemic) & we
    should get that Stimulus for the Rest of 2020 & Not End it in July 2020 !

    There will be Millions of chapter 7 bankrupt folks & Bus , just wait & see


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