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Thursday, June 18, 2020

The riots demonize blacks and help Trump's reelection

Exclusive: Hanne Nabintu Herland says BLM is 'being used by billionaire white capitalists

The murder of George Floyd raised legitimate anger over police violence, but sadly has been heavily abused by infiltrating political and anarchist groups. As they intermingle with those rightfully protesting against racism, looting and civil unrest will be blamed on blacks. The riots may end up creating more division and segregation between races than ever before.

Donald Trump may be the sole benefactor in the upcoming election, as sane Americans will want law, order and jobs – not Democrat-supported defunding of police and an anarchy of rude, white millennials who think it is good fun to burn cars, smoke marijuana and quit school.

A small example of the politicized undertones: Why is the current debate on slavery solely focused on black slaves sold to white owners? It only discusses racism from whites toward blacks, not the other way around. All whites are evil now? To insinuate this creates massive anger from the white population, as none of them was ever a slave owner.

Watching how white Americans who never owned slaves kneel in front of black Americans who never were slaves, demonstrates how people don't think rationally.

As Confederate statues are torn down, one also wonders: Are we going to ask Egypt to change its name and tear down its African pyramids, which were built by slaves? And destroy mummies of pharaohs that had slaves? Isn't that exactly what we criticized ISIS for doing just a couple years back, smashing ancient irreplaceable statues?



  1. If I were President Trump. I'd say SCREW IT. I wouldn't run. I'd walk away and play golf in Florida. He's fighting the Democrats, Rinos, Republicans, cabinet.DOJ, FBI, MSM, Federal courts, and now the ASININE Supreme Court. Why bother?? It seems nobody gives a shit but President Trump.

    1. Well you're not President Trump 7:54 and I for one am glad of it. Our great President loves this country and is trying to preserve all he can for future generations. He's not like our current crop of democratic politicians and major corporate ceo's who only care about every dollar they can steal right now from the middle class.

    2. You missed his point 12:13. You really should read the comments completely. I for one agree with both of you. I wonder why a billionaire would put up with this crap?? I wouldn't. But on the other hand I'm glad he is President. But just think how great we ALL would be doing if they actually helped President Trump instead of booby trap him?? As Ambassador from Germany said.

  2. White and black elites along with the rioters push the already downtrodden into total absolute poverty because nobody will build anything in those areas again just will take their insurance money and get out.So then the politicians will ask for tax funds to rebuild but with no oversight will keep the money for their pet projects.

  3. Hmmm I'm confused here. Who is seen on TV and videos responsible for the looting and civil unrest?


  4. Blacks do a pretty good job of demonizing themselves without the riots.

  5. 8:57 the worst is many small business owners in those areas do not even have insurance that will cover riots because certain zip codes are considered high risk and premiums are too high so they forego insurance. This is what happened in Baltimore City also after the riots. Some of the areas look the same as they did when the next morning the sun shone on the damage done. Heck some areas of that city looks the same as they did after the riots over 50 years ago and that is no joke. They do.

  6. Trump will need ALL the help he can get, because he is WHITE in a
    America that is allowed to Discriminate against Whites, but Not Blacks !!


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