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Thursday, June 18, 2020

Democrat mayor who kneeled before radicals gets 'mugged' by protesters

'I'm really trying to process this. It's like domestic terrorism. It's unfair'

It's been said that a conservative is a "liberal who has been mugged."

Democratic Mayor Cathy Selby of Washington state's capital, Olympia, wasn't literally mugged, and there's no indication she's become a conservative.

But she sounded an awful lot like President Trump when, a little less than two weeks after kneeling before activists, a gang of 50 protesters vandalized her home.


  1. What do you expect ? You build these criminal sanctuary cities, towns and states and this is what you get. Good luck...

  2. These morons are to dumb to see they are just useful idiots.to the anti american war we find ourselves in. For one she on the wrong side. Because wgen we stand united as one PEOPLE we will prevail with freedom and constitution intact. Aint karma great

  3. Lesson learned. You never see this on MSM. They'll keep this very quiet or blame on a conservative group.

  4. well dummy.... when you you lay with a dog with fleas....you get fleas....

  5. Well than there now...... for every action there is a reaction Do I hear consequences? I had typed happy ending but I really don’t wish the crap on anyone. I erased it because it was too cold.

  6. Too bad they didn't torch it! Maybe then, she'd feel "Their" pain....screw her. I'm done caring. They want chaos, then bring it!


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