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Thursday, June 04, 2020

Update On J1's In Ocean City

Yesterday I sat in a meeting with someone directly connected to J1 Students. I asked why so many of them weren't coming to America and they replied with the following fact.

1. The students are being told THERE ARE NO JOBS. 
2. They're being told they have to quarantine for 2 weeks. (LIE)
3. Business Loss Insurance.

So there are the three main reasons we are not seeing these kinds arriving. There are more HONEST companies who are picking up on some of these kids only after they find and call these companies, (one of which we happen to be dealing with) where they are told the TRUTH, not the above lies. I can honestly tell you I can find jobs for a good 450 students and that too is a fact. 

So when someone tells you a different story for political gain, it's BS! If I had more rooms I'd be in great shape. We happen to be 100% full as of next week. The 172 students staying with us ALL have jobs. They quarantined in their country, therefore they do not have to quarantine here and shame on the other companies claiming "business loss insurance" simply because they don't want to work. 


  1. The lies and insurance yap.

    We all hemorrhaging yet Politics rules the roost.

    Enjoying yourself Rickie?

  2. Pretty sure there are plenty of American kids you could be hiring. America First, right? lol what a joke

    1. 957..your out of touch...American kids dont want those jobs...

    2. I think you are probably mistaken. Americans do want the jobs.Dont have to pay overtime to J1

  3. See what investigative journalism gets you??? FACTS!!!! Not like the other BS being spewed as the reasons why!!! Common sense, something it seems 90% of you lack...

  4. Why not just hire some American Citizens?

  5. Get the word our to our high school/ college students.

  6. 1002 - because the "kids" don't want the jobs and neither do many adults.

    Sad but its a shore learned mentality that has accumulated over several decades.

    1. Sad but it's a shore learned mentality that businesses think they can pay slave wages and attract good workers

  7. @ June 4, 2020 at 10:28 AM

    Isn't unemployment at an all time high right now? Seems to me it shouldn't be that hard.

  8. Keep those Pretty Girls coming , they can stay here & get married !!!

  9. Adolph Hogan expressing another method of control. Hitler and his Third Reich Liberals will then have complete control of people and businesses.

    These liberal ANARCHIST are full filling Nikita Khrushchev promise that they would take over America without firing a shot. Democrats and their cronies are still using the Russians if the truth be none. If not why is Russia / Putin so quit and staying in the back ground.

  10. Given what has happened all over the USA this is not surprising at all. Especially concerning the Slavic countries as they know all too well how dissection is put down... I provide translation for many and work with Jeff(who oversees the program) and in several video chats, this is front and center for many.

  11. There are plenty of jobs for everyone

    1. Not that pay enough to pay rent,electric, telephone,car payment,car insurance,gas,food should I go on?

  12. It costs J1 students $2-3k for program, VISA, travel and other expenses. They need to work 60 plus hours a week for low pay to break even and return with money for university. Not worth risk of restaurants not opening fully.

  13. 1142 - absolutely!

  14. I for one am glad my kid got a job last month in OC.

  15. and all while being paid how much? you telling me you cant find local kids to work OC in the summer when what all you business owners really mean is local kids wont work for the meager wages you are offering! called you all out and yeah I know this will never see the light of day! but we aren"t all stoopid!
    Wise to your BS!

  16. From what I see - young Americans want to party at OC and then sleep until 2:00 pm the next day. Repeat - repeat. No jobs for them.


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