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Thursday, June 04, 2020

LA mayor cuts $150m from cops’ budget and gives it to communities of color instead – declaring he is committed to ‘making this moment not just a moment’

The mayor of Los Angeles has vowed to cut $150million from the city's police budget and redirecting it to communities of color.

Thousands took to the streets in both Hollywood and downtown Los Angeles yesterday, where Mayor Eric Garcetti vowed to redirect $150million toward black community health and education from the Los Angeles Police Department's budget.

Garcetti took a knee while praying with faith leaders at one protest outside police headquarters early yesterday. However, later in the day, hundreds gathered outside the mayor's house to demonstrate.

During a press conference, Garcetti said he was 'committed to making this moment not just a moment. It is time to move our rhetoric towards action to end racism in our city.' 


  1. They'll burn that state to the ground. It'll be another mass exodus

  2. 10:07

    That IS what they want. To chase out any and all white people.

  3. Knee jerk reaction - throwing money at a problem, not to mention taking money from an essential service.

    Prob not wise at all, but thats how things are addressed here in the USA. Throw some money and take from services.

  4. What's amazing are the "communities" of color" fall for this trickery perpetrated on them by the democrats time and time again.

    This is what is going to happen-the crime and murder rate will sky rocket in the "committees of color." this because it is in their communities that will take the hit from this take away from the cops's budget. garcetti isn't going to allow the white affluent communities to go without reduced police protection That ain't happened. Those communities won't notice a penny cut from the cops' budget.
    The money that goes into the "communities of color" will go toward some basketball court or something along those lines that some politically well connected contractor will be awarded the contract. The contractors will pocket 3/4's of the 150 mil and funnel at least 1/2 back to the democrat political campaigns so politicians like garcetti can pay campaign staff that anymore is a full time job because of career politicians.

    this is how it all works too bad people are so dumb and have no idea how it works in the real world

  5. All that can be made up in Ticket $$$ !!! Easily & then some !!!

  6. LA Mayor should be required to give up all their security ASAP. If the people does not deserve protection then these liberal political leaders definitely do not deserve protection since they are making the laws.

  7. I think the cops in those "Hoods" should just say F%$k it....Ya don't want us, ya don't support us, then screw you, we'll stay home and protect our own.

  8. Democrat = thief

  9. Next they will be crying that they can't get police recruits. Who would want to be a cop in this environment.

    1. Sheriff Lewis needs to start deputizing people.

    2. Just look at how bad it is for Salisbury to get police recruits with Jake Day's ridiculous agendas let alone somewhere like LA with the rampant black and Hispanic gangs. Who in their right mind would want that job when you know the mayor is throwing you under the bus

  10. More of our tax money down a rat hole.

  11. GO aHead and close all police stations down because WE THE PEOPLE will thin the Herd.

    1. I am looking forward to it. We will do what the govt can't seem to

    2. ✔️✔️✔️

  12. People ALL these scum are Bernie Hillary Antifa scum LOCK N LOAD.

  13. Any reasonable people left there will be leaving quickly

  14. What right does that sob have to give away tax payers money. It does not belong to him. He can say goodbye to his seat. Vote that bastard out.


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