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Thursday, June 04, 2020

City Of Salisbury Employee Passes Away From COVID-19


  1. R.I.P. Randy... so sorry for your loss ...

  2. He was a good guy. Worked hard and did his job.

  3. I am so sorry for his family. My condolences and prayers to each of you. Forgive me for also asking Was it COVID-19? Reports are really being skewed.

  4. Whats with the gofund me?
    Doesn't the city provide life insurance.

  5. The city's life insurance options are minimal, providing not nearly enough to match the employee's long-term salary expectations.

  6. June 4, 2020 at 11:50 AM They don't need to match expectations, it is usually 1 times or 1.5 times salary. And it is free to the employee

  7. If my husband dies, we have just about enough life insurance to bury him. Forget about his long term financial expectations. That's why, if you can afford it, it is good to have plenty of life insurance, which we don't. So too bad for us.

  8. Will Jake Day step up for a city employee????

  9. June 4, 2020 at 2:51 PM -
    That is why there is cremation.

    I just do not understand why everyone expects go fund me to bail them out.
    I know life it tough and I am sad for his family but instead of doing the right thing, cremation, she is putting a financial burden on his family just to see him one more time?

    The whole thing is awful, dying alone, family didnt get to be with him, ect.

    But does anyone really think he would want his family in a financial hole "just to see him one more time"?

  10. More and more people are turning to cremation. They are sick and tired of the rediculously outrageous prices that funeral homes are ripping them off for and try to make you feel guilty if you don't opt for the best of everything.

  11. Cremation now is not cheap........certainly not what it used to be!

  12. 11:40 so cremation costs $2500, compared to the $7000 she is looking for! I personally don't work for any type of government and I have $30,000 life insurance from the company I work for! Funeral homes will work with you and understand it takes time for life insurance to come through.

  13. No, but it's cheaper than the alternative. There are a lot of people who do not have enough life insurance or none at all, so someone ends up paying for the funeral expenses out of their own pocket. When did this Go Fund Me stuff start? You are either prepared or you aren't. There are extenuating circumstances when a person is killed in the line of duty or a similar tragedy that one might expect to be compensated for future expectations. But just because someone dies, as sad as it is, there is no reason the expenses incurred should fall to society. It's a family affair.

  14. Was it covid or because he was so obese?


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