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Saturday, June 06, 2020

That thug who kicked man in head after he was already knocked out during protest?

Police made an arrest — and suspect is only 14.

'Who raised this little monster?'

It's an image that's gone viral and has become a symbol of leftist violence during the riots over George Floyd's death across the country.

A group of protesters chased and pushed a man amid protesting in Portland, Oregon, last weekend, after which he fell on the street — knocked out, face down, and motionless. And that's when another male was caught on video kicking him in the head — and then running away.

Afterward one of the protesters can be heard boasting, "Knocked his motherf***in' ass out!" A nearby man can be heard asking, "Who the f*** are you runnin' your mouth like that, man?"



  1. that little thugs parents should be held accountable!please come try that s**t on the shore and go home in a body bag!

  2. I wonder what video games he plays down in the basement and how many friends he has are like him.

  3. Just another hood rat that won't see drinking age.

  4. Not a word about the elderly couple visiting their sons grave shot to death by a black man for no reason.

    1. 2:37
      You are on the wrong thread
      This is about the kid that kicked a guy

  5. I'd like a turn with that little bastard

  6. Was the victim a white guy? I am sorry but even before all of this if anyone goes near a black "protest" they aren't too bright. Blacks do not know how to protest much less peaceful It's not in their genes to be peaceful at a protest.
    I crack up when they say they are going to "march." Well keep on marching you stupid SOB's New poll shows the President approval rating with likely black votes over 40 percent. So you common wastes of oxygen keep on marching. You dumb losers in life are marching us right toward a 2020 Trump victory

    1. 4:25
      We will stop marching
      Plus we are getting tired and it is too hot


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