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Saturday, June 06, 2020

Tucker Carlson: The riots are not about George Floyd or racial justice. They're about Trump and seizing power

For the past week, all of us have seen chaos engulf our beloved country. The violence and the destruction have been so overwhelming, so shocking, and awful and vivid on the screen, that it's been hard to think clearly about what's going on.

Most of us haven't been able to step back far enough to ask even the obvious questions. The most obvious, of course, is what is this really about? What do the mobs want?

Well, thugs looting the Apple Store can't answer that question. They have no idea. They just want free iPads. But what about Apple itself and the rest of corporate America, which is enthusiastically supporting the rioters? What about members of Congress, the media figures, the celebrities, the tech titans, all of whom are cheering this on. What do they want out of it?

Well, they haven't said. That's the central mystery.

Now suddenly, it is obvious. It should have been obvious on the first day. This is aboutDonald Trump. Of course, it is. We just couldn't see it.

For normal people, Donald Trump is the president. You may like him, you may not like him, but either way, there will be another president at some point, and we will move on as we always have.



  1. Tucker Carlson: The riots are not about George Floyd or racial justice. They're about Trump and seizing power

    He's right, you know!

  2. This is 100% true and one of the many reasons I watch Fox News they tell it exactly like it is and the people that come on the show are true patriots they believe in all our people and our country, and give us the info we need to dodge in our lives. THINK is the most powerful tool we have.

  3. The irony is that President Trump has done more for the black community in 3 1/2 years than Obama and Biden did in 8. The leftist Democrats are despicable.

  4. Democrats protest all things Trump.

  5. The riots were about Floyd, now they're about police brutality. Why is it so hard for you guys to keep up? Do you need someone to hold your hand and explain it to you?

    1. Thank You!! I guess they can t multi task. Any time you knock a elderly white man to the ground, and cause injury that left him in pooling blood and people keep speaking like there s no issue, we are doomed

  6. They are About the Racist Blacks wanting more & more than they
    already have !!! (Too Much)
    The Whites need a movement called White Lives Matter & get Rid of
    Reverse Discrimination called " AFFIRMATIVE ACTION " then we can
    have real Equality in America & get Rid of the Race Card !!!!

  7. There is no such thing as black people. It’s all a hoax.

    1. 7:41
      I know, I saw it on YouTube

    2. 7:41
      And the earth is flat!

      Did you know this stuff?

      What else am I going to learn on the You Tube?

  8. Smh if this is the cast that speaks for white people it's no wonder America is in chaos, unstable, and being ridiculed by the world. Then you have the nerve to be mad when you are called racist. Bet you are the same ones who put on a fascade at work and around your black "friends". Smh sad.

  9. Dear readers,

    As I see it, there are a few things not being acknowledged.

    First, George Floyd has been made into a martyr by many. If you explore what was really occurring, he was high as a kite on drugs when he passed a 20$ bill, that flagged through a money counter as a fake. He had several arrests, a long rap sheet, was in prison several times (one of which was an incident where he pointed a gun at a pregnant woman's belly), and had many run ins with the law.

    Now, I think we can all agree that the response of the officers involved was wrong, and they are now experiencing the effects of their poor decision making, as they should. The President immediately condemned the actions of the officers, and ordered the DOJ and FBI to begin an investigation.

    Understandably, there was outrage, and peaceful protests began, but were hijacked quickly by individuals concentrating on creating chaos, perverting the truth by glorifying Mr. Floyd into something he plainly wasn't. At the center of it all was a President who repeatedly stated two things: 1.) The death was horrible and should be prosecuted and 2. ) He supported peaceful protests, but law breaking would be quickly addressed.

    Not long after this, videos cropped up on several social media platforms showing various people paying off others in the middle of a protest, while other disturbing things occurred like pallets of bricks suddenly appearing in various cities all about the same time. Of course, the President and the police were vilified and the narrative from nearly every media source and talking head reflected something other than the truth.

    Of course 'they' are after the President. "They' have done everything possible to remove him from office and all of those efforts were shown to be clearly false. As AG Barr continues to press forward, the pressure mounts as indictments are starting to come out. The response is to continue to outright lie, use every dirty trick in the book, and do everything possible to deflect and divert attention away from the truth.

    The next step is a voting ballot scheme. It's the last tool and chance to hijack the election they felt they had rigged well enough in 2016. To be sure, we will see an ugly election and no matter which way it goes, there will be unrest.

    If the President is re-elected, the hiding spaces for those involved will quickly have the light of truth shown upon them, and that is exactly why we are seeing what we do now.




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