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Saturday, June 06, 2020

Joe Biden says 10 to 15 per cent of Americans 'are not good people

Vice President Joe Biden said in a discussion of the George Floyd killing that a large substantial share of Americans are not 'very good people' – as he tried to condemn President Trump but potentially opened himself up to attack.

'There are probably anywhere from 10 to 15 percent of the people out there that are just not very good people,' Biden said in an online discussion with actor Don Cheadle Thursday.

Amid deep divides over police conduct toward African Americans and Trump's decision to proclaim 'law and order' while brandishing the U.S. military in a crackdown, Biden condemned the president's words and tone.



  1. Hmmm, and 13% are black. How interesting.

  2. He's probably about right on the percentage, just wrong on who that percentage is.

  3. That leaves plenty of room for Biden, his cronies and his handlers.

  4. Maybe they're not stupid by voting for you.

  5. Biden I once believed in you and were proud you were from the Eastern Shore and had served as Vice President. Now the more I learn about you and your son the more disgusted I am I do believe you have dementia but it is no excuse for all the dribble that comes out of your mouth. You are a vile, disgusting human being and your family should put you away and withdraw you from the race they know your not competent they just think the Democrats can run Trump away. First the impeachment, their roll in the the Corona Virus, and now all police are bad and race riots are good. You have burned down your own businesses and destroyed cities that may never recover, and then you'll want the tax payers and American citizens pay for rebuilding what you destroyed with your own hands. Biden shut your trap retire or go to jail for your crimes with the company of your bad son.

  6. @2:48 Are you okay? Biden isn't here. Do you need help?

    1. 3:27
      I know!
      That sounded a bit off balance

  7. More like 40%...and many on this blog.

  8. I can’t make no noise.....I’m deplorable

  9. All I know is that 99% + of the police officers in this country are people who would give their lives to save others.I can't speak for the general public.

    1. 5:11
      I will speak for the general public:

      We disagree with you

      Thank you

  10. I believe he was referring to all the politicians in the country.

  11. 3:27

    Anyone who can't see that Biden is a demented pervert corrupt old man needs help.

    Do you need help 3:27?

  12. Does that percentage include Biden himself?

  13. I thought the % of dempcraps in our country was higher than that!

  14. Democrats are the BAD ones & the rest are Real Americans !!!!


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