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Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Omar defends calls to dismantle Minneapolis Police Department, 'rotten to the root'

Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., on Sunday doubled down on her calls to dismantle theMinneapolis Police Department in the wake of George Floyd’s death, calling it “rotten to the root.”

Omar made the comments during a Sunday appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

“A new way forward can’t be put in place if we have a department that is having a crisis of credibility, if we have a department that’s led by a chief who’s suited for racism, if we have a department that hasn’t solved half of the homicides,” Omar said. “And so, you can’t really form a department that is rotten to the root. What you can do is rebuild.”



  1. She is correct about one thing. She be rotten to below the root.

  2. "Defunding the Police" is about gradually reallocating resources and funding away from police and towards community-based models of safety, support and prevention. First responders to a crises in the community should be those who are best equipped to deal with said crises.

    1. And bringing in Sharia law, God help the people of Minneapolis.

  3. Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses.

  4. Hey, Bo jiden here, i want to uhh talk about hmmm this defend the police movement, err uhh i just had a uuhh hmm movement this morning, uhh hmmm or was it yesterday. Uhh why why why, defend the uhh err police. Ain't they ummm have uhh error guns and uhhh electrocution guns.. now back to uhh my move. I moved once. I forget where, dela, dela, dela, where was it, oh, know delawhere. Did I move to uhhh errr delaware or did I move hmmm uhhh errrraway from delaware. Hmm uh, all this talk about uhhh movements.. hmmm uh I got to go,, uhhh leave

  5. Save your breath 12:43, Republicans don't want to help black people. They've spent decades repressing them.

    1. And so what. I’m not black and rely on one person to help me. No not republicans or any group. I help myself and don’t want the help of any party or you. You don’t get it though.

    2. You really don't know a thing about the civil rights movement or the history of the Democratic party, in those respects you, 1:28, have the intelligence of a tree stump!!

  6. "Defunding the Police" is about gradually reallocating resources and funding away from police and towards community-based models of safety, support and prevention. First responders to a crises in the community should be those who are best equipped to deal with said crises.

    No its not. Its about removing the social controls on the dregs of society to create chaos.

  7. do your research 1:28 democrats were the slave owners and didn't want slaves freed

  8. Seeded a witçh.

  9. Anonymous 1:28
    I completely disagree. It is the Democrats who are the oppressors. Go back. What party formed the KKK and enacted Jim Crow laws? After that the Dems kept making you promises, but never followed through on a single one that worked. They wanted to keep the blacks down to get their votes. This administration, although flawed, has done more to help blacks than any prior administration.

  10. That TERRORIST would know all about rotten.

  11. 12:43 You should do you homework on which Party is oppressing blacks! But besides that, the Constitution entitles you to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, not Government help! Why do you think Republicans should be helping blacks? Republicans are trying to ensure everyone's freedom to help themselves. Dependence equals slavery!

  12. 1:28

    Soros must be paying well for you to spew out you ridiculous trash troll!

  13. If Omar and her family / followers wants to change the US then why did they migrate here? They should return to their Country of origin.

    Like I have always said about the US and the FLAG "LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT"

  14. That's why her dad died from corona virus. Haha

  15. She is a moron but kinda hot in a scary terrorist way

  16. Democrats are ROTTON TO THE ROOT in America 2020 !!!!

    Just like Hillary Rotton Clinton !!!


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