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Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Bull On The Beach Closing Early Due To Unruly Behavior


  1. When you prioritize dollars over lives and ignore health guidelines you get a predictable result-the people that show up respect rules at the same level you do.

  2. Unfortunately by letting these unruly nincompoops determine how businesses are going to make their living; they are winning and the entire town looses. Let's not let OC become Baltimore, DC, Seattle, LA etc.

  3. No bull. Cow sad.

  4. It's so sad to see hard working people having to resort to taking such actions

  5. Northwest Woodsman: One word says it all - “Blacks”. Am I wrong and too insensitive? Please prove me wrong.

    1. Nope, you're spot on. A little captain obvious at this point though.

    2. Do something about it then you racist pos

  6. the fun is done in ocean city

  7. i can't imagine owning a business on the boardwalk. the police are scared or aren't allowed to go there and that is beyond belief. the mayor and council should be very proud. o c is nothing but a haven for the al sharpton, jesse jackson ,clinton, and joe biden followers. THUG LOSERS. good luck oc

  8. Until the government stops protecting these thugs this is going to continue.

  9. Thugs bring more thugs. After the Mayor went against Hogan in opening, I'm sure he is being left to twist in the wind - that is if Mayor is even smart enough to ask for help.

    Locals are saying the situation is far worse than the media is reporting. Next thing you know the Boardwalk attacks will be called a street fair.

    Listen to the businesses that are closing early. We should ALL stand with them!

    1. He did ask for help. He was left to twist in the wind, as you say.

  10. This shows how bad it really is on the boardwalk if businesses do this. Some news is getting out but a lot is covered up. The fights that get posted must be the tip of the iceberg.

    Just wait for some uninformed tourist family to be attacked or even killed, that would be a fatal blow that Ocean City could NEVER recover from.

    Ricky MUST fix it NOW or be replaced - OC's life depends on it.

  11. 1:07 Not true. Have you even watched any of the videos? The boardwalk is flooded with police and are at an incident without moments of it breaking out. There is one looks like 9th ST where the cops were there in less then a minute on bikes then the horse. Bike cop 2 dropped the bike took off after the running suspect and within a few seconds did a flawless tackle. This has been the norm on the boardwalk.

  12. It a jungle out there !!!!

  13. Uh....keep all this excitement on the south end of town.

    Signed - North end of Town.

  14. Welcome to the jungle!

  15. But if it's blacks beating on whites it's ok right?

  16. 12:51 PM - You could say it, I suppose, but keep in mind that in days passed 99.9% of OC crime was done by Whites, many of whom still are hard at work being a₷₷holes.
    Bad actors come in all colors. We're seeing a trend, partly driven by social media.

  17. Shout a few like in New Mexico. They will get the message

  18. Heard they’re going after cashiers now in convenience stores. Not paying for stuff. Not wearing a mask, which whether you agree or disagree with it, is the requirement. When asked to pay or get a mask, they’ve been calling in their boys who are outside and jumping he cashiers.

    Better believe the fireworks were postponed bc of this stuff, not covid.

  19. Its the right thing to do...sadly O.C. should offer services until these fools get it..Its sad but its time for all good men and women to come to the aid of their country...

  20. Dear OC Mayor and Council
    You failed your town. You’re pathetic.

  21. Law enforcement reform is priority one because that is the biggest danger... And surely making cops public enemy it will insure them to be proactive and not pull back and avoid. Nooooo

  22. Mayor, council Lead, follow or get out of the way.
    I know it is a better way to control this situation
    Think about it!

  23. What did oc think was going to happen. You bring in a bunch of out of town ers who have been locked up for months. Then you get them to the beach and everything is closed. Did not take a rocket scientist to see what would happen next. Oc never should have opened.

  24. Hire the Police to stay there !!!


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