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Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Virginia Beach also Having problems

Atlantic Avenue business owner: Oceanfront needs more police on patrol at night

In the grainy security surveillance video from the Oceanfront, you can see at least one person in a hooded sweatshirt — possibly two — who is in the middle of a scattering crowd, firing a gun while in full retreat.

The time of the video is early Sunday morning, near 19th Street, after a violent night at the Virginia Beach Oceanfront. Three people were injured.

Bella Pizza and Pasta owner Ahmed Harmache tells 10 On Your Side business has never been worse. The video is grim — and certainly not what Virginia Beach business owners want to promote.


  1. We all know what group of people are at the root of all these violent acts. Good people have been shamed and even lost their jobs for speaking the truth. I've stated it before and not had my comment posted so I guess I'll leave it up to your readers to figure out.

  2. Oh please - VA Beach has nothing on Ocean Chaos!!! We have more cam-phones!


  3. This is why we still need our guns. When the police don't show that's all you got to depend on for most people.

  4. 1:31, 13/52 says it all...

  5. VIRGINIA Beach is mostly military. If there are any BLM it's coming from dependent's.

  6. This country needs a great washing.

  7. Focus on cops and not this. That’s an order


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