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Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Joe Biden Appears to Blame Police for Riots: They ‘Escalate Tension’

Vice President Joe Biden blamed police for “escalating[ing] tension” across the nation in a speech delivered Tuesday in Philadelphia’s city hall to respond to President Donald Trump’s nationwide crackdown on violent protest and looting.

Biden spoke on the morning after protests over the killing of George Floyd by police in Minneapolis, Minnesota, had once again erupted into violence and looting in many cities.

Biden criticized violent protest, but also blamed police:

There’s no place for violence, no place for looting or destroying property or burning churches or destroying businesses, many of them built by the very people of color who are [for] the first time in their lives are beginning to realize their dreams and build wealth for their families. Nor is it acceptable for our police, sworn to protect and serve all people, to escalate tension, resort to excessive violence. We need to distinguish between legitimate, peaceful protests and opportunistic violent destruction.

It was not immediately clear what Biden meant, though the New York Times claimed, inaccurately, on Sunday that police had responded to protests with greater force.

In many cities, in fact, many residents complained that police had retreated in the face of widespread looting and destruction in Santa Monica, Philadelphia, and other cities.



  1. Joe is just remembering the glory days of the 1968 DNC convention in Chicago.

  2. Yup they do, did you see them beating pushing and hitting folks on TV in DC? Cops today are thugs just a tiny bit better that the so called criminals they is supposed to be arresting.
    I've have watched hours and hours of the live coverage and every time the Militarized Police of today get into close contact with the peaceful protesters they do disrespectful things to them.

    1. 6:58 The ignorance is real with you boss.

  3. This is not a fine time to live in any large city that has been steeped for decades in the hot mess of failed and failing government policies wholly owned by the Democrat machine.

  4. Just solidifies they fact that Socialist Democrats are against LAW and ORDER and the rule of law.


  5. SlowJoe can run his mouth since he currently has round-the-clock protection from Secret Service; the rest of us, no such luck. That perk will come to screeching halt if he gets shunted aside before or at the Socialist convention.

  6. Biden is a fool; and people take him seriously? Seriously!

  7. 6:58 is right. I saw where they had a black guy on the ground with 3 cops on him. He was belly down, had his hands straight out above his head and palms flat on the ground not resisting. One of the cops lifted the man's hand up and put his nightstick under it and then they all started beating him senseless.
    What would you cowards do if the cops were doing that to you 2 weeks ago when you were out in mass protesting wearing masks? Bet you would put that mask right back on.
    When I read half the comments on this page it makes me embarrassed to be a conservative. It's really easy for MSM to label us racist because half the people commenting on this site seem to be. It's either that or you are too stupid to see through your own hypocrisy.
    You idolize a group of white men who dressed up as Indians and destroyed property to protest a TEA TAX. Now when others go out to protest police abuse and murder, you all seem to want the police to respond by being more abusive.
    You refuse to lump the bad cops in with the good when they work side by side every day but there are people on this site who call for peaceful protesters to be shot because some other people who they probably never even met looted. And you call yourselves "Christians". DISGUSTING!!!

    1. 1:38 Then by your analogy all cops are bad, all whites are bad, and all blacks are bad. Did I get that right?🙄 I’m just going to throw this out here.. maybe if 17% of the population that commits 80% of the crime would live a more productive life they wouldn’t have so many interactions with the police🤷‍♀️ What happened to George Floyd and others like him is despicable and I hope those involved are brought to justice. But to say every cop is bad is ridiculous.

    2. Never said every cop is bad. The claim on this site is we can't lump all the bad cops together, and I agree, but plenty of people on here want to lump the protestors in with the Soros employees. They are just going out to march peacefully and some agitator throws rocks or smashes a window and the crowd comes under fire from tear gas and rubber bullets. I'm pissed because every time it's someone on your "side" you are all staunch defenders of the Constitution but when it's someone on the other "side" all those rights you value go out the window. The only thing protecting your children from this right now is the economic power of the white middle class and that is fading fast. When it's gone it will be your white kids under some Gestapo thugs knee.

  8. Again, the let the idiot (DuPont / Biden) tell the truth about the subject knowing the population will not believe it. Gotta’ admit they are pretty smart . . .

  9. Atacking news crews unprovoked and tear gassing/pepperballing peaceful protesters certainly seems like escalation to me.

  10. Wow, first coherent thing I've ever heard him say

  11. 6:58 agreed. The footage is out there - thank goodness for the smart phone era (never thought I'd say that). They can now be held accountable for their actions. Why remove your name, rank, badge if you are doing the right thing and defending the constitution including the 1st amendment.

  12. You are confused Dewayne. The police are the ones being respectful. It's the crowd that is invading the police's space and trying to intimidate them. Not only invading their space but throwing things and trying to cause all kinds of other trouble

  13. Please rioters head to the homes of Hillary & Bill, and the Obamas let's see what they lead the throng to after that and I hope they don't call the Police or National Guard.

  14. 1:38..I don't look at all black people as being "Thugs"..so I wont "Lump" as you say, All Police and call them all bad because of a job they do.
    As for the NEWS..you would see only what you want to see.

  15. Democrats "ESCALATE TENSIONS " & do it on purpose !!!!

  16. Ya the cops were real polite with that Australian news crew, beating the cameraman and hitting the female reporter in the back with a club! Seeing this and then hearing a cop was shot during this, I hope the cop is in awful pain and dies!

  17. 1:38 here, I don't watch the BS news

  18. What a dumbass POS!


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