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Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Donald Trump: Save New York City and Call up the National Guard

President Donald Trump on Tuesday demanded New York leaders call up the National Guard to defend the city.

“CALL UP THE NATIONAL GUARD,” Trump wrote on Twitter in all-caps with the hashtag #SAVENYC.

The president criticized leaders for placing an 11:00 p.m. curfew on the city, arguing it was too late.

“New York City put on an 11:00 P.M. CURFEW last night,” he wrote. “No wonder they ripped the place apart. Should be 7:00 P.M.”

Trump commented after New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said in a press conference New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio refused assistance from the state’s National Guard on Monday night, which led to widespread rioting and looting.



  1. F New York . Let that slum burn!

  2. The 11:00 curfew is pretty stupid. NYC is no sleepy Midwestern town where most people are yawning at 8:30. NYC is The City That Never Sleeps, in case anyone has forgotten.

    Of course, any curfew shouldn't apply to takeout delivery, which should be allowed 24/7, with an optional police escort.

    1. They should shut the dump down. Curfew around the clock until the crimson trash leaves.

  3. NY City is not under the jurisdiction of POTUS
    He should take care of his job and let the Governors and Mayors take care of their jobs

  4. SCREW NY. Let it burn. When the Jewballs loose enough money where insurance doesn't cover it. Then it will stop.

  5. New York's curfew is 8:00pm, not 11:00pm. Great journalism there, Joe!

    @7:16, why should delivery be allowed to break curfew? Why would you expect someone to risk themself to deliver you a pizza or whatever? Make a damn sandwich.

  6. Just let them all destroy and burn down all of ny for they can have it
    Any smart people would just leave that crappy hell hole
    Burn it all down

  7. 7:16 You obviously know nothing of NYC. You get your "facts" off of social media and now a SONG! Most all of NYC is quiet at night except around Times Square but like the rest of NYC has been dead for months. The luxury shops that were looted are in Soho which is lower Manhattan and that is always quiet by 8 or 9pm even without coronavirus. Herald Square and Union Square too become quite at night. All you see are diners out and a few tourists. NYC is NOTHING at night like you see during the day. I lived at 27 E 63rd St. for years-upper East side. Friends still in that area which is yawning at 8:30 and do go to sleep early told me mobs were running down the street throwing hammers up at their windows, breaking winnows out of buildings and cars.

  8. You cannot act right? Then we will start busting open heads till you do.

  9. @June 3, 2020 at 7:32 PM. That's why he is doing it because they are not doing their jobs. They HAVE to protect the people. It's their damn job and if they are not going to do it, then the National Guard will. Time to start busting heads. Time to teach those animals a lesson.


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