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Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Ending the riots is as simple as letting the police do their jobs

Restoring order to America’s cities isn’t a complicated proposition.

All it requires is resources and determination, and a firm rejection of the longstanding progressive fallacy that an overwhelming police presence is “provocative” and “escalatory” and must be avoided.

As has been established across decades of civil disturbances, it is police passivity that emboldens mobs. When the cops stand by, or don’t show up or, even worse, run away, it is a permission slip for destruction. They might as well supply the spray paint, bricks and hammers for the crowds, and beckon them into the local Target or Nike store to take whatever they want.

Out-of-control looting is almost always a failure of municipal resolve or police tactics, and we have seen plenty of just such cowardice and foolishness over the last several days, most notably in Minneapolis, ground zero for this spasm of urban disorder.

In a display of sloppy wishful thinking at the worst possible time, the city’s leaders decided last week to vacate the 3rd Police Precinct.

Mayor Jacob Frey explained that they believed this would be “a way to both help de-escalate and prevent hand-to-hand combat.” Instead, it allowed for a major escalation, as protesters gleefully torched the police building, in the worst symbol of official abdication of this crisis so far.

During the first couple of nights of violence, Minneapolis barely managed to arrest anyone.


  1. Under lib shitholes will not happen.

  2. Don't put the blame on the police. The blame lies solely on the liberal mayors and governors not allowing police to do their jobs. The federal government should absolutely refuse to provide any financial or other types of assistance to cities such as Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, Philadelphia, etc.

  3. Just shoot and kill looters and Riots end in just hours instead of days.

  4. The riots aren't supposed to be ended yet.
    That is why they have not been ended.

    It is all planned, like the PLandemic.

  5. Easiest thing of all is don't do the crime in the first place George.

    1. So actually the reports are that he actually didnt do a crime. Not to mention, the way the justice system works is the police apprehend you and then you have a fair trial, not get killed by police. You doofuses really claim to love america yet have no clue about how america is supposed to work

  6. Grab EVERY cop you find a put on a business corner. When they come. Beat, kick, shoot, whatever you have to do. Maybe when a couple of hundred rich liberal POS arrive on Mommy and daddy doorstep dead. Then Antifa won't be such a cool club to join.

  7. Police have less restraint that your average employee at Wal-Mart or McDonalds. Those people get yelled at and swore at by ungrateful customers all day and they don't attack anyone.

    1. Really?? Compare a Walmart job to a police officer?? Stay off the pipe. It kills.

    2. Apparently YOU need to get outta moms basement a little more often. Let me invite you to ride in a Semi truck thru the BLOCK in Baltimore, or through Hunts Point NY, or a dozen or so other quaint little NY hoods! Oh, lets not forget Garden Heights in Shitcago, or may a nice lil stroll threw South Central LA, or maybe the industrial section of Detroit. Lets not forget almost all of Philly. These are just a handful of places YOU seem to think are safer than McDonalds. I've driven through all of them, and trust me they're S#$t holes, and cupcakes like you that think Micky D's is rough....Whew, are you in for a treat if ya ever get stuck in ANY of these areas I've listed. You'd be BEGGING for a McDonalds, and yer lil Kiddy meal!

  8. It's not the presence of police it's their aggression towards peaceful protesters. This won't stop, it doesn't matter how uncomfortable black people exercising their rights makes you.

  9. Nothing sparks change faster than minorities utilizing their rights. Look how fast gun reform happened when the black panthers used their 2A back in the 70s.


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