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Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Howard County Maryland Police

Chief Lisa Myers
( back)Lt Terrence Benn
Purple shirt Retired Officer Kurt Wall


  1. While cops are being hit with bricks, shot at , killed, and this scumbag whore takes a knee, I bet her mayor boss is a 🌈 piece of shit kinda like Jake day and Barbara duncan, Ohhh hey Barbara when is it your time to take a knee ?

  2. All I want to know is, how did something a cop did turn into "All white people are bad and it's their fault!"

  3. Its why that place is one of the s#$%% they should be fired!! just as bad as posting something on facebook. But wait thats only conservatives that lose jobs over comments

  4. They're a big help.

  5. As if we needed any more proof that the marxists have infiltrated the core institutions.

  6. Illegal for le to protest in uniform
    Fireable offense for le to perform political statements in uniform or on the clock
    Not wearing a triple retention holster
    Not wearing a hostler with a thumb break
    Wearing a paddle holster in uniform
    (Holster requirements are for citizens protection and the Leo)
    She couldn’t sprint to the mail box and back.
    Not social distancing
    To many policy violations to mention

    Sweaty pits

  7. Leave it to the black man to threaten whites with his sign. Typical black male. You can count the number of peaceful protests nationwide on one hand The others if they don't break out in riots have threatening intimidation tones to them These people don't know how to protest peacefully. Being peaceful is not in their DNA.

  8. Who is the guy up front with the white mask and holding the sign?

  9. Anonymous said...
    All I want to know is, how did something a cop did turn into "All white people are bad and it's their fault!"

    June 3, 2020 at 12:22 PM

    Exactly. And really, what did the cop do other than arrest a criminal resisting arrest? It hasn't been proven that he "murdered" Floyd. Floyd WAS breathing. I heard it with my own ears. You have to move air to talk and he was. Floyd was easily moving his head and neck around so we will see what the autopsy says. I bet it says he didn't die of asphyxiation! Mark my word on that!

  10. Anonymous said...
    Its why that place is one of the s#$%% they should be fired!! just as bad as posting something on facebook. But wait thats only conservatives that lose jobs over comments

    June 3, 2020 at 12:23 PM


  11. Has anyone noticed how it's mostly women police chiefs like Duncan and this clown that is caving into political pressure of their Democrat bosses? I would be ashamed to be a police officer under Barbara Duncan. Pu$$ies!

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Illegal for le to protest in uniform
    Fireable offense for le to perform political statements in uniform or on the clock
    Not wearing a triple retention holster
    Not wearing a hostler with a thumb break
    Wearing a paddle holster in uniform
    (Holster requirements are for citizens protection and the Leo)
    She couldn’t sprint to the mail box and back.
    Not social distancing
    To many policy violations to mention

    Sweaty pits

    June 3, 2020 at 2:10 PM

    Do you think that Libtard Calvin Ball, the black progressive County Executive, is going to fire them??

  13. Anonymous said...
    Leave it to the black man to threaten whites with his sign. Typical black male. You can count the number of peaceful protests nationwide on one hand The others if they don't break out in riots have threatening intimidation tones to them These people don't know how to protest peacefully. Being peaceful is not in their DNA.

    June 3, 2020 at 3:19 PM

    DNA from the jungles of Africa. oooops, Ben Rayne is going to accuse Joe of making this comment and calling him racist. Facts are facts, Fat Ben!

  14. They keep babbling all this Silence is Complicity bullshit and white cowards are caving in to this silly reverse racism.

  15. Supporters of barbaric & terroristic THUGS!

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  18. Anonymous said...
    Well spoken I totally agree

    June 3, 2020 at 5:59 PM

    Huh?? Agree with what?

  19. The perception is that authority is the problem, and the target it black Americans.

    This sort of thing needs to be seen. The community needs to know know that the police are not all evil, and they are one community.

    This needs to happen. Condemning it is just evil. The healing needs to start happening.

  20. Those three are as bad as the rest of those idiots. Those officers have no proof his death was racially motivated. How can they be that stupid and still be officers?


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