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Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Candace Owens: Democrats ‘Burned Our Economy’, Now They Support ‘Burning Entire Cities’

The Democrat Party “burned down our economy, impoverishing millions“, in 2020, according to Candace Owens, who warns that Democrats are now supporting the burning down of “entire cities” as an “act of war” against a duly elected president.

First they burned down our economy, impoverishing millions through the lie of #coronavirus virulence. Now they support burning down entire cities. This year has been an act of war against and the people that voted for him. The Democrats are truly evil.

According to Owens, the Democratic Party is “trying to inspire a race war” in an election year in collusion with the mainstream media. She is urging her African American compatriots to stop rioting and acting “like a trained chimpanzee every single time the media runs a story.“

“That’s how you have to be black? Listen to your psychological conditioning,” Owens


  1. I agree 100% with Candace, love her grit, etc, BUT while her words are true, and the Democrats are killing our economy with their insane rules, and regulations....WHAT are the Republicans doing?? We could SO EASILY win back the majority in the house, and secure our Senate majority, IF our Republican officials would just come out of their "virus shelters" and get their asses INTO the cities that are being destroyed, and be Face to face with the protestors, and ask them the HARD questions that NOBODY wants to ask, like "WHERE the hell are BLM leaders, while THEIR cities are burning and being looted"? Where are the BLM leaders while BLACK OWNED business are being robbed, and destroyed? I see the BLM T shirts, i see the signs, we hear them shouting BLM day after day, but WHY aren't they standing AGAINST the PUNK THUGS and holding them accountable?? NOW is the time for our Republican officials to do what NONE of them will....Get your asses into the cities, stop throwing talking points out on Fox news, and start really touching the cities! That's why we CONTINUALLY get a bad rap, and CONTINUALLY lose the inner cities! Ya ain't gonna SELL ICE TO ESKIMOS, they dont need it! If ya wanna sell ice ya gotta go into hell where they NEED it! Stop being afraid of confrontation Republicans!! You have our vote, all those city dwellers need is to SEE and be HEARD, but i got news for ya, they ain't watching ya on Fox news!

  2. 12:03 you are right but , i think its due to the swamp team effort..most republicans are on board with this.. a D or R next to some names means nothing if they are on board with this NWO agenda.

  3. with black employment at record levels before all this the dems are doing their best to get back the black vote by any means possible. Hopefully the blacks are smart enough to see though that scam.

  4. I love Candace. As a Black American she sure does tell it like it is. There is no racism in America - only the propaganda the swamp spews but I will say this. I wish the African Americans as they call themselves would go back to Africa. Leave the Black American community to prosper in peace.

  5. Black Americans is right. Being an African is nothing to be proud of. There isn't' a country in Africa that is self sufficient or lawful Anyone with any brains (and morals) would be embarrassed to associate with that hell hole . Black men raping little girls and giving them AIDS is considered normal in those countries but they are proud of being African

  6. Candace continues to profit off the stupidity of her audience. LOL. Dems burned down the economy huh? Could have swore it is a republican president that runs the multiple fed departments that advocated for closures and social distancing.


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