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Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Governor Hogan To Hold Press Conference Today At 4 PM


  1. Who gives a flying F

  2. Oh boy he's got to chime in about the race wars

  3. Open it up you fat slob.go back to business as usual.its all null and void to begin with. The latest scam by dumbocrats

  4. Baltimore was peaceful this time, not because of Hogan, but because they haven't totally rebuilt from the last riot and the inner city roads are all tore up due to the laying of fiber optic cables.

  5. "discuss the peaceful protests in Baltimore City" - but not the fact that it is Murder Capital USA!

  6. Carney has been one step of him along the way so he can follow iwithout any worry of backlash on a bad decision.

  7. Why do you think there were no riots in Balto? The looters, rioters, vandals, and all other antifa scum are scared as crap to show their sorry asses in Balto because they are the true pussies of this earth. They might get killed by the other criminal element who inhabit, control, and created, this cesspool of DNA on a permanent basis. The ramblin' looters have no balls----but they do have brains to stay the F'---outta' Balto if they want to survive.


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