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Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Antifa arrests coming, concerns over riots heading to suburbia, government source says

Agitators behind the rioting that has paralyzed the country over the past week want to move into more suburban areas, a government intelligence source has told Fox News.'

Much of the worry stems from the notion that many in well-armed, suburban, and rural neighborhoods won't hesitate to exercise their Second Amendment rights and elevated anxieties could lead to heavy confrontation.

"Antifa knows this," said the source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. "Local and state authorities have to get a grip on this because if it moves to the suburbs, more people will die."

Several analysts pointed to places that have served as something of "testbed" locations – including Madison, Wis., which was ransacked Saturday night, along with quiet pockets of Charleston, S.C.



  1. Well most of those are not fun free zones. Time to have some target practice.

  2. Let’s ratchet up the fear level a few notches. Putin is beside himself with joy. His investment in Trump has paid off bigly

    1. Fear? You mean like "the president is a Russian asset!" Or "you're gonna die from COVID!" Or "global warming is gonna destroy the earth!" Yeah, leftists don't dabble in fear mongering, do they?

    2. @5:52 have you not been following along ? There was no Russian influence it was hatched by Obama ,Comey and company at the paper trail has revealed

    3. 5:52 Hmmm 3 years of investigations, billions of money wasted but you’re still clinging to the hope there was Russian interference. I mean I know this is heart breaking to you cause you wanted to believe it so bad but do yourself a favor so you don’t look so stupid when you comment. Do some fn research you blind sheep. Did you cling to Santa when mommy told you he wasn’t real?

  3. Suburbia is where the people live that own guns ... that’ll ANTIFA’s last stand

  4. Come and get some antifa bitches , If you are lucky, you will leave with your life.

  5. This period of confusion, personal violence, arson and mayhem is brought to you by the same people who want to completely disarm you.

  6. Antifa are cowards. They won’t go to the suburbs, they know will be killed.

    1. ANTIFA works for CIA
      CIA works for the international bankers

  7. Joe Biden wants to know what is all the Hub-bub about he Aunt FeeFa?

  8. Come on. I have all kinds of toys to show them. I just bought plenty of XXXX LARGE trash bags.

  9. Big difference between the city and “residential” areas.

    You come across my yard with evil intentions, I will protect my life and property violently.

    You may get me, but not after I’ve emptied a few 30 round mags and dumped a few boxes of 00 buck on your sorry arses.

    My advice, stay in the cities and burn it all down for all I care.

  10. Antifa knows better than to venture into Conservative suburbia.

  11. Notice things were quieter last night. This because every federal LE agency is on them including the Treasury Dept. It will be interesting to see who is funding the terrorist group ANTIFA I bet the farm it's ALL democrats.

  12. If they go into the suburban areas they better bring a lot of body bags to carry their dead back home.

  13. Antifa will never come to the burbs. They know better. But I’d like to personally send out an invite to my neighborhood if they’d like to try.

  14. Better stay OFF DelMarVa we got Rednecks & Crab-pots & Guns !!!!


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