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Thursday, June 04, 2020

I Know That Guy!


  1. Amen!! The real problem is the lack of character and integrity, stop blaming your bad choices on the color of your skin. Nobody is stopping your succeeding but you

  2. 8:05 except for years of anti-minority legislation. Don't forget that it was illegal for black and white people to be in the same schools during some peoples lifetime. Policies like Redlining (feel free to have a google) have long lasting ramifications. A simple explanation for privilege is that you don't know how these things affect society because you've never had to worry about them.

  3. Why are we pretending that the only people protesting are criminals and ex-cons? All 50 states and multiple countries around the world are marching for what is right.

  4. 8:05 you are a shining example of white privilege. Just because you haven't had to face systemic racism does not mean it doesn't exist.

    1. Sorry to burst your bubble @8:45 it's 8:05. I grew up in the projects so to speak, spent most of my youth out running on the very streets that ALL the black children did. I spent my entire summers playing basketball on lake street basketball courts. At some point you have to look in the mirror and figure out the common denominator in all the personal turmoil that one experiences in life. It took me several decades but once I did the conclusion I came to was I lacked the very qualities that makes a real man and decided to make changes and stop blaming everyone else for my misfortunes. I started my "career" at 14 years of age slinging watermelons and have never had the privilege to stop working and definitely can't comprehend this white privilege everyone speaks of.

    2. Interesting that you automatically assumed that the prior criminals were not white...

    3. Wow reaching much @2:24? You'll find a way to make everything about race just like your democratic master's want you to do. Progressive socialist minds really don't want to know

  5. Too Frickin' funny and probably true as well

  6. 8:05 You have to remember most of them are democrats This means they have not ever had a decent honest moral person in their lives ever. They are not taught right even their faith is fake The Bible says you take responsibility With them it's generations of being surrounded by dishonest immoral people whether it be their parents, grandparents, extended family, friends "church" leaders etc.

  7. I was stopped this morning by officers who were certain I had been drinking.They had everything ready to process me as if they had been given a heads up.They obviously had me confused with someone else.I'm not a big rights person,but if the device at hand had suggested that I HAD been drinking I was going to insist on a blood test at PRMC.However all went well.

    1. You had a plan to defend yourself in court. Good thinking 9:53

  8. Wow, Thank you 11:22. The hypocrisy of the self hating white liberals is nauseating.

  9. Well??? Were they? If the shoe fits.......................

  10. Thank you 11:22, same here parents were divorced and I lived with my mom in inner city Baltimore straight up ghetto area. Piss-poor, but my momma taught me better.She would have beat my A** if I acted a fool. There is NO EXCUSE! and WTH is this Privilege??

  11. The cops should check all the marchers for weapons, drugs and warrants. That will reduced their number by at least 50%.

  12. If this "privilege" is such a roadblock, why is it that the black community was healthier in the more overtly racist times of the 40's and 50's? Communities were safer, families were stronger, achievement was greater. Why have the progressive policies that were ostensibly supposed to foster opportunity led to such a disintegration of values?


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