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Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Biden Proposes Training Cops to Shoot Attackers in the Leg to Reduce Fatalities

Joe Biden on Monday suggested that police forces could train officers to shoot attackers in the legs in order to reduce potential fatalities.

There is “the idea that instead of standing there and teaching a cop when there’s an unarmed person, coming at him with a knife or something, to shoot him in the leg instead of in the heart,” Biden said. “There’s a lot of different things [policies] that can change.”

Biden made his remarks while meeting with African American community leaders at the Bethel AME Church in Wilmington, Del. The former vice president was discussing the widespread protests touched off by the killing of George Floyd, an African American man, at the hands of white police officers in Minneapolis, Minn.

Protests have spread from Minneapolis to major U.S. cities including New York, Chicago, Washington D.C., and Los Angeles. The demonstrations have been widely varied in makeup, with some instances of peaceful protests and others that have devolved into riots with widespread looting.



  1. So he is proposing breaking the law?
    Ask any police officer.

  2. Neutralize thee threat!
    If the thug is on PCP, a leg shot won't stop him!

    Center-mass or between the running-lights will certainly change his attack posture!

  3. Look to Biden himself for personalized training. He holds a Master's trophy for shooting his own foot. Only good smelling females between the ages of 12 and 35 need apply. Scholarships are available. Applicants, send photos of you, your firearm of choice and your legs, front, back and profiles, to #barackvp2.

  4. Both Matt Dillon and the Phantom were quite adept at shooting guns out of the hands of bad guys. How hard can it be to shoot then in the legs?

  5. Start with him.

  6. Biden the idiot. Biden making these stupid comments means he has never had any weapons training and does know the law, considering he claims to have been to law school.

    You are trained to fire at center mass. Reason is you have less chance of your Bullitt missing and hits what you were not aiming at, since you can never be 100% of your backstop at the time of discharging your weapon, since they change by the second.

    Also an Officer not firing at center mass and aims for a limb then states that in court opens themselves open for a lawsuit, they were violating their training. The criminal will sue them and reiterate they were maimed intentionally and come away with millions of dollars in settlement.

  7. Is he really that stupid? Suppose a person is shot in the legs and later dies? Would the officer be charged with murder? He is such a shallow thinker!

  8. Biden is a fool.

  9. Walk in their shoes before you talk Sleepy Joe....walk in their shoes!


  10. Joe 'Mr. Shotgun Blasts' Biden is dumber than he looks.

    And every time he opens his yap he looks and sounds like the village idiot of Wilmington, DE.

    But I'm sure that's how he instructed his SS detail to protect him when he was Zero's good luck charm, and how he wants to be protected by his current detail during his meander for the Chief Executive's job.

  11. A unarmed person with a knife? He is beyond stupid

  12. Tap em twice in the chest and re-evaluate....

  13. Just give them a nice hug and shoulder rub, hell if needed give them a good kiss on their neck and smell their hair. Do the Joe Biden as you turn them around and slap on the cuffs.

  14. Aim for their hand. That way you’ll likely hit their penis too! It will take away their reason to exist.

  15. Does that idiot want black people to be trained to shoot other black people in the leg to prevent fatalities? Since they kill each other in way more huge numbers than the police do.

  16. But the head is more permanent and a good chance he won't be back to wreak more havoc.


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