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Sunday, May 31, 2020

'When the looting starts, the shooting starts': Trump outraged by Minnesota protests

President Trump reacted with shock and anger to the third night of protests in Minneapolis and St. Paul over the death of George Floyd.

Just before 1 a.m. ET, after the Minneapolis Police Department's 3rd Precinct was set on fire, Trump shot off a series of tweets that decried a "lack of leadership" from Minneapolis officials and compared the protesters to "thugs."

"I can’t stand back & watch this happen to a great American City, Minneapolis. A total lack of leadership. Either the very weak Radical Left Mayor, Jacob Frey, get his act together and bring the City under control, or I will send in the National Guard & get the job done right," Trump said in one tweet.

"These THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I won’t let that happen," Trump said in another tweet. "Just spoke to Governor Tim Walz and told him that the Military is with him all the way. Any difficulty and we will assume control but, when the looting starts, the shooting starts. Thank you."



  1. Trump's statement was correct. The rioting and looting began and a pawn shop owner shot a thug that was breaking into his business.

  2. This is why they can't have anything nice in their neighborhoods . They will come hell or high water make a mess out of it. As long as they keep it in their own areas let them loot let them burn it down They and their families have to live there because they can't afford to go anywhere better. As soon as they step out of their own areas the democrat mayor will order them to be shot. Not directly but indirectly.

  3. Encouraging the violence. Adding fuel to the fire. Bigger men can step back from the situation and calm the nation in what was truly a horrific event.

    1. The answer is easy, just don't riot !!!!

    2. That's just what Obama did encourage riots

  4. Floyd and knee cop worked security at same bar advised bar owner. She did not know if they knew each other. Wow, how huge is this place?

  5. Stupid thing to say in my opinion. Should be trying to comfort America in these trying times not suggesting people be shot.

    1. Don't riot ... no shots fired

  6. Ya right. If they actually shot looters during Riots they would end them in a hour. Should be a national law, you loot anyone can shoot! Check your insurance policies folks, you are not covered during a Riot or War, it is up to you to protect yourself, your family, and your stuff!

  7. Look at Cambridge, the blacks burned their own businesses and neighborhoods and never recovered. The same thing can happen in Salisbury with the current top cop and pink rainbow group in charge of the city.

  8. I watched a video of Target being looted, then saw another of the same target STILL being looted hours later. Not a cop in site.

  9. I don't know a soul who is justifying what Derek Chauvin or what the others didn't do such as intervening. . I will not use the word police or officer anywhere near their names. With that said though what they did is the result of the residents voting stupidly. They vote for mayor who in turn picks police chief. Chauvin had multiple complaints against him was involved in multiple shootings. Why he was still on the force is because of the voters. They are the ones to blame for George Floyd's death They vote in officials who they don't hold accountable Chauvin and the others should have been fired years ago but when you vote stupidly you don't have accountability. This goes for all departments. How many Sby elected officials ever worry about the complaints the Sby PD gets? You know the answer------not one. But if something happens by a time bomb cop then they have a lot to say. They are to blame. Being proactive is the only way to prevent this from ever happening again. People need to ask april jackson how many times she's requested to see complaints against officers. You can bet the thought has never crossed her mind but she has a lot to say about what is going on in Minneapolis. People like her can prevent these needless tragedies from happening. They need to be held accountable starting today.

    1. 11:49
      You are out of your mind or an idiot, I don’t know which one? VOTERS are not to blame for a cop who murders a person.

  10. " Anonymous said...
    Ya right. If they actually shot looters during Riots they would end them in a hour. Should be a national law, you loot anyone can shoot! Check your insurance policies folks, you are not covered during a Riot or War, it is up to you to protect yourself, your family, and your stuff!

    May 29, 2020 at 11:18 AM"

    I don't know a commercial insurance policy that doesn't cover damages caused by riots. They all do.

    1. only if you pay for that part

  11. Same with Baltimore 11:41 though only a few years ago. You can still smell the burnt smell on some days. The only ones who made out were the lumber yards who sell the plywood which was used to board up all the more abandonments the riots caused.

  12. The looting and shooting go hand in hand. This was a statement of both historic fact and a warning not to repeat those foul historical events.

    Rioting and looting serve no one. They only create more victims.

  13. Media is no longer worried about mask or social distancing. Almost as if the riots are more important.

  14. Society is the cause of these riots. They allow ANTIFA and other radical groups get involved with no retribution.

    This shows no leadership in their government officials and their Police Dept.


    When protest turns violate, there should have been no hesitation. They should have been flooded with tear gas and herded into a small area. Then arrested and charged all there and jailed.

    Need to quit babying these thugs and control the situation / mobs / rioters with any means possible starting with mass tear gas in these crowds.

  15. This is another reason we need AR-15's. When the government allows rioters and looters to avoid "looking bad," we must defend ourselves from this pack mentality.

  16. The problem with low IQ people is they destroy their own neighborhoods instead of those belonging to the criminals (police).

    1. Well, at least they were smart enough to burn down the police station. That sent a strong message and it’s a lot better than burning down privately owned businesses.

  17. The cities and states that sit back and allow rioters to loot and burn other peoples property should have to pay the bill when it is all over. On day one the governor should have had the National Guard mobilized and on the scene. Also in these neighborhoods any businesses looted and burned should not be allowed to rebuild. The lots should remain vacant. The people in these neighborhoods don't deserve to have the businesses located there. And yes I do agree that looters should be shot.

  18. Media jamming race down everyone's throats and taking the looting and shooting comment out of context.

    This is all embarrassing, the hatred, the finger pointing, when does it end?

    Civil War is NOT the answer.
    Killing "THEM" is NOT the answer either.

  19. "Anonymous said...
    You are out of your mind or an idiot, I don’t know which one? VOTERS are not to blame for a cop who murders a person.

    May 29, 2020 at 12:56 PMJ"

    Voters are absolutely responsible When voters vote stupidly bad actors get to stay on as police. This one had a record a mile long of complaints and he was still around. The only ones with the power to get rid of bad actors are the elected officials The only one with the power to make sure the officials do their jobs are the voters Every single person who voted for that mayor shares the responsibility for that man's death and this is not debatable so don't even try. You vote stupidly you get officials who could care less. Like what happened here. The former cop was a time bomb and because minneapolis voters are ignoramuses and voted like the low iQ morons they are he was allowed to continue being a cop.

  20. dunkins rookies dont screw up this bad. although I would allow burning salisbury to the ground would be a good thing!

  21. So, after hurricane Andrew hit in south Florida, looters started moving in. The people put up signs that said "Looters will be shot on site"
    After one or two where shot, the looting stopped.

  22. Floyd, a 46-year-old black man, died after being handcuffed and pinned to the ground by a white officer's knee as Floyd repeatedly said he could not breathe.

    What a racist statement.

    If you have heard this before it is the truth. If Mr. Floyd couldn't breathe then he wouldn't be able to speak, it's a known medical fact. When you can't breathe you can't speak. Thugs always say they can't breathe when they are under arrest. I'm not condoning the knee on the neck but that is what police officers are trained to do. The knew on the neck was not compromising his airway in any way. The trachea is in the front of the neck and now the side of the neck.

    Again if the airway was compromised he wouldn't have been able to move air and speak. Don't fall for this liberal media BS. There is also some video that is missing. The officer responded to the one guy taping with his phone about putting Floyd in the car and the officer said "we tried." I didn't see where they tried to put Floyd into the police car so something is telling me that there is some missing video.

  23. Documents from the Minneapolis Police Department released Thursday revealed that Chauvin, who was videotaped kneeling on Floyd's neck for more than five minutes as onlookers begged him to stop, was internally reviewed 17 times for complaints lodged against him during his 19 years serving as an officer.


    "...was internally reviewed 17 times for complaints lodged against him..."

    These complaints are always by the criminal that was arrested hoping their charges will be dropped.

  24. More than 500 members of the Minnesota National Guard were deployed to St. Paul, Minneapolis, and surrounding communities Thursday evening after Gov. Tim Walz activated them to protect residents and maintain peace.


    Better late than never. Thank you President Trump!

  25. 10:14 your boy Obama handled riots well.

  26. They must be arrested & Not just let them all Go !!!
    If they resist the police , then that's on them !!!

  27. All I can say is " Trespassers please carry identification so I can notify next of kin". F*** all you liberal left wing fruit cakes. You've coddled and catered to these lunatics that are attempting to burn this country down. Good luck keeping them out of your so called untouchable neighborhoods

  28. I have a friend in the Natl. Guard unit up there and they were given NO BULLETS! He is very upset being put in harms way with no defense. According to him they were instructed to just watch and stop fist fights. Tray and stop the looters by shouting but do not lay hands on anyone.

  29. Rioters Bring it all on Themselves Not Trump's Fault !!!
    Police have been more than toooo easy on them & need to Crack Down !

  30. In Vietnam we said kill them all and let god sort them out.
    Let the shooting begin
    The know no laws

  31. 9;16 we lost the war, for you to say that shows your a ass, I was their, Are you a cop now.

  32. The shooting should have started when the Looting started !!!
    Police shooting them with Rubber bullets to begin with !!!
    Water Hoses & Tear gases on their asses !!!!

  33. Police have been cowarding down & look weak !!!
    Need the Military to come in and crack down when needed !!!
    Govt looking weak when they let looters on TV & cameras carrying on
    with Not being stopped & arrested !!!

    Setting fires , & everything they can , these Criminals need to be found &
    Arrested !!!


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